Ch'ezhyrraq, Thike

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Thike Ch'ezhyrraq
Thike Chezhyrraq.jpg
Career Occupation
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Gettysburg, CA-1863
Biographical Attributes
Fertile Male
188 cm
101 kg
Eye Color:
Medium/Dark Grey
Hair Color:
Short/Slightly wavy
Lean / Broad
Middle Deep, Carries well in a crowd.
United Federation of Planets
Familial Relationships
Thessiav Ch'ezhyrraq (Biological Fertile Father, Pair Bond), Ebav (Biological Infertile Father)
Adoptive Father:
Sassa (Biological Fertile Mother - Pair Bond), Vrette ( Biological Infertile Mother)
Adoptive Mother:
Status of Parents:
Married (Foster), Deceased (Biological)
Moxa - Biological son of Danera and Moss, Age 28; Nakoh - Orion Adoptive Brother Age 26, Tabac - Klingon adoptive sister Age 24
Marital Status:

Personal History

Mere weeks after Thike was born, his father, who was an Engineer, was transferred to an old outpost on the edge of Federation space near the Cardassian border where he and his mother followed. The old station was handed over to the Federation after the end of the Dominion war as it was in Federation space at the time, and Thike spent the first 6 years of his life there, exploring the ins and outs of life on a space station.

On Thike’s first day of school at age 6, his mother walked him to class. Sad to see her only son growing up so fast, she cried the whole way to the school room. He was so embarrassed by her that when they got close he ran off ahead, excited for the new adventure, not knowing this was going to be the last time he would ever see her. Moments before morning recess the station lit up in red alert. It was so loud he ran out of class, tripping over his slower classmates and ducking through a nearby access hatch into, unknown to him, an escape pod. An Orion boy about his age, and a Klingon girl a few years younger, had beat him here so they all hid in silence, everybody too scared to make the first sound.

For what seemed like an eternity to the three kids, the Dominion destruction of the station was swift and efficient, later to be classified as a non essential location, leaving no other known survivors. Before they knew what was going on they were ejected into space drifting amongst the debris where they floated for six days, surviving on dry bland Starfleet emergency rations, before being picked up by a Ferengi salvage ship. Upon getting beamed onto the ship, the captain's wife, Danera, fell in love with the three young children. After checking with the nearest Federation outpost, and finding the kids had no living relatives able to take them, Danera was eager to adopt the kids.

With four youngsters to care for now, Danera and Moss setup a base of operation at a neutral Nor class space station, which the Cardassians had abandoned after the Dominion war. With lots of opportunity due to its proximity to numerous famous battles, salvage opportunities, as well as its more relaxed policies on trading, possession of questionable goods, and being just out of Federation reach.

Thike quickly took an interest in personal combat, where he found a worthy adversary in his sister’s best friend Karith McKallon, as well as ship weaponry, both modern and ancient for various races, most notably the Ferengi, Klingon, Terrans, and the Andorians.

With his biological father being an Engineer, and his foster father’s ongoing struggle of trying to keep his ship running, at age 18, Thike decided to enter the Academy to become an engineer. Over the next couple years, he struggled to keep his grades afloat. It's not that he couldn't do it, or that he wasn't smart enough to, he was just bored and couldn’t be bothered to give it his all. To avoid failing out of the Academy, he took a leave of absence to find his motivation again. He took on some work on an Bajoran cargo vessel. Nothing in particular, just whatever they would pay him for.

After getting into some near misses, and close calls, he found his love for Security and Tactical, which shouldn’t have been all that surprising to him considering his hobbies growing up! He re-entered the Academy to get a double major in Security and Tactical. He hopes one day to lead his own ship, and team of trained personnel on special op’s mission to help the Federation deal with the less pleasant side of “diplomacy”, or better yet, head up Starfleet Intelligence.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Modern Personal weaponry (projectile, energy, and fixed) specialization, Ship mounted weapons
Academy Minor(s): Ancient Vehicle (includes land, water and air crafts) weapon advancements in the 20th century
Hobbies and Pastimes: Rock climbing, Historically accurate scale model reproductions of legendary vehicles, dabbling in the Ferengi markets.
Short-Term Goals: Department Head
Long-Term Goals: Captain of a classified special operations vessel, or head up Starfleet Intelligence
Personality: Serious, confident
Sense of Humor: Dry humour, jokes/puns usually told subtle, or without inflection. Appreciates a good joke, but will seldom acknowledge it as such.
Phobias: Bats, and bat like creatures, well really any creature with leathery wings. It's just not right!
Likes: Profit, a good day of training
Dislikes: Unprofitable ventures.
Pet Peeves or Gripes: People who think that you can beat the system. People who think that Latinum is the only form of profit.
Bad Habits or Vices: Fidgets
Achievements: Part of a select few non Ferengi actually granted a Ferengi business license
Disappointments: Not very successful with his Ferengi trading. Just doesn’t have the lobes.
Illnesses: None known.
Strengths: Natural born tactical and strategic know how
Weaknesses: Crying or sad females of any species.
Fears: Really Confining spaces like an escape pod, The Dominion.
Prejudices: All races deserve equal opportunity, except The Dominion
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Minimal around his quarters, in public it's fitted solid dark t-shirts and jeans.
Distinguishing Features: Scar around base of left ear. Scar about the middle of left antenna is usually only noticeable close up when looking for it.
Pets: Pets are not profitable.
Friends: Nakoh, his foster brother.

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: At fourteen years old, he was bullied by some older kids who cut off his left ear, and left antenna. This was the first and only time he would allow such behaviour, and as a reminder and what gave him his strength, he chose keeping the scars to forever remind and keep him motivated.
Best Time: When he was fifteen, he was part of an Alien Exchange program, and was given the opportunity to live on Andoria for a third of a Terran year to experience the culture first hand.
Most Crucial Experience: Being on the station during the Dominion attack.
Role Model: His foster mother: she was a strong Ferengi, treated all her children with relative equality, stood by her husband through profit and loss.

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Star Fleet Academy 21609.01 Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Tactical Officer USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21609.08 Midshipman Midshipman
Tactical Officer USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21609.08 Assigned
Tactical Officer USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21611.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Tactical Officer USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21611.01 Ensign Ensign
Tactical Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21611.01 Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal
Tactical Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21611.01 Recruiter Medallion Recruiter Medallion
Tactical Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21612.01 Assigned to USS Columbia
Tactical Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21612.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Tactical Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21612.01 Lieutenant Junior Grade Lieutenant Junior Grade
Tactical Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21612.01 Recruiter Medallion Recruiter Medallion
Tactical Officer USS Columbia, FF-6145 21703.01 Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal
Chief Of Security USS Gettysburg, CA-1863 21711.08 – 21805.01 Chief Of Security
Chief Of Security USS Gettysburg, CA-1863 21711.08 Lieutenant Lieutenant
Chief Of Security USS Gettysburg, CA-1863 21805.01 Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal
Chief Tactical Officer USS Gettysburg, CA-1863 21805.01 Department Transfer
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 1
Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal 1
Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal 2
Achievement Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month 2
Recruiter Medallion Recruiter Medallion 2

Contact Information


  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.