USS Aquila, NCC-76853

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United Federation of Planets logo.pngUSS Aquila, NCC-76853United Federation of Planets logo.png
Ross-class Explorer
United Federation of Planets
Commanding Officer
Captain Daniel Brooks
Posting Area
Posting Area
Type: Exploration Cruiser (EC)
Length: 663.2 Meters
Beam: 398.9 Meters
Height: 146.8 Meters
Mass: 4,409,556.7 Metric Tons
Decks: 42 Deck Plans
Crew Compliment: Standard: 250 Officers, 600 Enlisted plus civilian specialists and families.
Emergency: 6,000
Warp Speed: Main Core:
Cruise Speed: 7.0
Sustainable Speed: 9.0
Emergency Speed: 9.2 (12 hour automatic shutdown)

Auxiliary Core:
Cruise Speed: 1.5
Sustainable Speed: 3.0
Emergency Speed: 5.0 (6 hour automatic shutdown)

Impulse Engines: Type: 3 Class 8 Main Impulse Engines (MIE)
Speed: .85 C
Defensive Systems: Type-1A Shield generator
Other Defensive Systems: 30cm Ablative Armour
Armament: Phasers: Dorsal 1x 270-degree Type-XI Array(Saucer);
Ventral 1x 270-degree Type-XI Array (Saucer);
Lateral 2x 60-degree Type-XI Arrays, one starboard, one port(Pylons);
Ventral 1x 60-degree Type-XI Array (Secondary Hull);
Torpedoes: 3x Rapid-Fire Photon Torpedo Tubes (2F/1A)
Payload: 500 Photon Torpedoes.
Computer System: Yori-Moto D4D019
Tractor/Repulsor: 2 Main Tractor/Repulsor Beams,
7 Shuttle-Docking Tractors
6 Docking Tractors
Shuttlecraft: 1 Bay (A), 16 Shuttles (8 Type 18, 8 Type 14),
4 Runabouts (Delta Class)
Sensors: SS Sierra 1a8 Deep Space Scientific Sensors
Daystrom Industries HSCS-3SC-A Starship Sensors

The USS Aquila, NCC-76853 is a Ross-class Explorer.


The Aquila was launched in 2395 from McKinley Station in Earth Orbit, one of the first "Flight III" models with refinements to several systems deemed lacking in the previous flights. Assigned to catalogue gaseous anomalies under the command of a relatively new Captain, the Aquila served faithfully if not with any distinction until late 2400. Lured into a nebula by a fraudulent distress call, the lack of tactically-minded officers in key senior positions led to the ship being ambushed and heavily damaged by a pack of Pakled Clumpships. The Bridge module was totally destroyed at the cost of most of the senior staff, and only the actions of a few heroic Ensigns managed to save the ship and the rest of the crew. Tragedy would strike again in 2401 during the events of Frontier Day; the heroic Ensigns who had saved the Aquila the year prior were subjected to assimilation by the rediscovered Borg Queen, turning against their superior officers, and leading to the ship engaging in combat against Sol Station. The Aquila was heavily damaged in the combat, and would require extensive repairs and re-crewing.

After nearly a year undergoing repairs at McKinley, the ship was relaunched in late 2402 under the command of Serran Zann with a different mission profile, better suited to her areas of expertise. Zan's command did not last long, as she was replaced by Captain Braggins prior to a mission through the Bajoran Wormhole to retrieve some Ferengi merchants who had gone missing. The mission tested the Aquila when it was faced with Dominion War-era craft controlled by Romulan telepresence devices, but ultimately proved successful; survivors of the Dominion War were located and the Ferengi were retrieved.

Following this mission, the Aquila passed to another Commanding Officer as Braggins was required elsewhere. Command of the Aquila passed between several different officers as more prestigious commands or Flag Officer positions became available; eventually being assigned to Captain Daniel Brooks in early 2404.


The USS Aquila was named for the Latin and Romance languages word for "eagle."
Specifically, it may refer to:
Aquila (constellation), the astronomical constellation, the Eagle
Aquila (bird), a genus of birds including some eagles

The following vessels have been named Aquila:

  • USS Aquila (AK-47) was a cargo transport in service from 1941 to 1945.
  • USS Aquila (PHM-4) was a Pegasus-class hydrofoil launched in 1981.
  • USS Aquila (NCC-623) was a Federation Hermes-class (Cygnus-subclass) scout starship in service in the late 23rd century.
  • USS Aquila (NCC-2028) was an Excelsior-class battleship in service to Starfleet in the 23rd and 24th centuries.

Current: USS Aquila, NCC-76853
Vessel Class: Ross Class Explorer
Commanding Officer: Captain Serran Zann 2395
Commanding Officer: Captain Jennifer Braggins 2399
Commanding Officer: Commander Mezree Prihl 2404
Commanding Officer: Captain Daniel Brooks Stardate 202404.29- present

Dedication Quote

"Walk with wolves. Run with lions. Soar with eagles."
- Matshona Dhliwayo

Player Crew Manifest

Rank Name Position Species Email
Com-capt.jpg Daniel Brooks Commanding Officer Human E-Mail
Com-cdr.jpg Beno Velaul First Officer Joined Trill E-Mail
Tac-lcdr.jpg Keval Ch'alev {Brooks} Chief Tactical Officer Andorian E-Mail
Tac-mid.jpg Colegero Coppla Tactical Officer Human Email
Sec-lcdr.jpg Shione Kurasa Chief of Security / Second Officer Vulcan/Betazoid E-Mail
Sec-ltjg.jpg Jez Mala Security Officer Vulcan / Betazoid E-Mail
Eng-lt.jpg Kalli Thorn Acting Chief Engineer Human E-Mail
Sci-cdr.jpg Alexander Talion {Thorn} Chief Science Officer Betazoid E-Mail
Sci-lt.jpg Samira Khasim Science Officer Human E-Mail
Med-lcdr.jpg Lois Lim Chief Medical Officer Trill E-Mail
Med-lt.jpg Julia Troy Medical Officer Betazoid Email

Reg/Non NRC Manifest

Com-cmcpo.png T'Kol {Sothrick} Chief of the Boat Vulcan E-Mail
Tac-po2.jpg Marisha Keen Female Human
Tac-po3.jpg ch'Bolas Male Andorian
Sec-po2.jpg Matthew Davis Male Human
Sec-po3.jpg Anessa Wade Female Human
Sec-cm.jpg Sovak Male Vulcan
Sec-cm.jpg Slad Male Vulcan
Sec-cm.jpg Samantha Reagan {Keir 77} Female Human
Eng-ltjg.jpg Mathew Phoenix {Sothrick} Engineering Officer Human E-Mail
Eng-ltjg.jpg Jack Crab {Brooks} Engineering Officer Human E-Mail
Eng-po2.jpg Kimberly "KitKat" Kitmat Female Caitian Warp Core & Power
Eng-po3.jpg Shalix zh'Aidrie Female Andorian Computer & Sensor
Eng-cm.jpg Mark Pentiction Male Human Shields & Impulse Drive
Eng-cm.jpg Torb Hope Male Cardassian / Bajoran Environmental & Weapons System
Eng-cm.jpg Carnegie Fairgraves Male Human
Sci-cm.jpg Slav Male Vulcan
Med-lt.jpg Harry Langston Male Human Deputy Chief Medical Officer
Med-lt.jpg Aanil O’Shea {Kurasa} Medical Officer Human/Vulcan Email
Med-ltjg.jpg Kate Fletcher {Brooks} Medical Officer Human Email
Med-po2.jpg Raymond "Red" Reddington Male Human Medic
Sup-po2.jpg Alvish Yizzah Male Tellarite Mess
Sup-po2.jpg Enek Male Edosian Supply
Sup-cm.jpg Gak Male Ferengi Mess
Sup-cma.jpg Lucille McGillicuddy Female Human
Sup-cmr.jpg Gi'ral Watanabe Female Human / Klingon

Mission Logs

Image Gallery

Command and Control

Operational Areas

Crew Areas

Ship's Manual

How Points Are Awarded

1.1 Monthly Points
1.1.1 Players are expected to post a minimum of twice weekly. Each post made by a player will count as 50 points towards their monthly total (up to a total of 400 points).
1.1.2 Qualifying posts must be written with full paragraphs and contain detail. Short posts of three or four lines will not be counted towards the monthly total.
1.1.3 Additional points of up to 100 will be awarded for quality of posting.

1.2 Department Head Points
1.2.1 Department Heads receive up to 100 positional points each month for performing the duties required of them in the Constitution. In order to earn those points, DHs must turn in points recommendations for their department along with an RPGer nomination by the end of the 18th each month, site time.
1.2.2 If a DH has not submitted points by that deadline, they will be docked 50 points. They then have until the end of the 21st, site time, to submit them or risk losing all positional points for the month.
1.2.3 DHs who fail to turn in the required points and RPGer nomination by the end of the 21st will receive no positional points for the month.
1.2.4 Site time refers to the time shown on the main board.

Leaves of Absence

2.1 If a player is to be away from the site for more than 7 days, they are required to announce a Leave of Absence, either by posting on the ship or by sending an email to their superior officer.
2.2 Players whose LOA causes disruption of the game will have their characters hijacked at the CO's discretion to help move along the plotline.
2.3 Players who request LOA will have the twice weekly posting quota waved, but they must make a minimum of 8 posts during the month to receive the full 400 points.