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Paxton "Pax" Cassidy
Pax Cassidy pic.jpg
Career Occupation
Chief Medical Officer
USS Yeager, NCC-60097
Time on Site:
Longevity Medal 0
Biographical Attributes
Human (Cyborg)
168 cm (5 ft. 6 in.)
79.4 kg (175 lb.)
Eye Color:
Warm honey (left eye) Cybernetic blue (right eye)
Hair Color:
Shaved head, carefully-shaped beard
Athletic, powerlifter
Gruff, even-toned
United Federation of Planets
Colony ship Jabal Tariq (Alpha Quadrant)
Familial Relationships
Konstantin Nasr
Lisa Cassidy
Status of Parents:
Alive (retired)
Ramsey, 29; Kristos, 31 (Half siblings)
Marital Status:

Personal History

Pax was born on March 11, 2368 as part of the third generation to live aboard the colony ship Jabal Tariq. His mother, Lisa, had achieved the rank of lieutenant in Starfleet before returning to the Tariq as the ship’s senior helmsman. His father, Konstantin, was a self-taught engineer and considered a master of electro-plasma systems. The two were close friends since childhood and, upon Lisa’s return, chose to have a child together as a practical matter, with no romantic relationship between them. Lisa and Konstantin co-parented amicably, even as they each eventually fell in love with different partners and started separate families.

Pax spent the early years of his life primarily in space, only setting foot on planets and moons briefly during refueling and maintenance of the Tariq. He was considered a shy and soft-spoken child with a knack for engineering. Konstantin encouraged this interest, hoping that Pax would pursue a fulfilling career aboard the ship.

In late 2385, the Jabal Tariq came across a disabled ship belonging to a non-Federation aligned species known as the Riani. Despite his father’s concerns, Pax volunteered to assist in repairs, during which time he formed a close bond with some of the Riani crew members. Cybernetic implants were central to Riani culture, employed for functional and aesthetic purposes. Pax found himself fascinated by this application of engineering, merging organic and technological systems.

On the sixth day of repair work, the Riani ship was fired upon by a ship belonging to an enemy faction of their species. The attack resulted in more than 50 casualties, leaving Pax with severe injuries including extensive damage to his spinal cord. Using advanced surgical techniques, the Riani doctors were able to install an artificial spine that had the potential to restore Pax’s mobility, though it required precise calibration and intensive physical therapy. Pax chose to accompany the Riani to their home world to complete his recovery.

During his rehabilitation on Riani, Pax further developed his interest in cybernetic medicine and began pursuing the field in earnest. He underwent voluntary replacement of his right arm and right eye, using custom-made hardware designed by his close friend and mentor. He remained on Riani for three more years, becoming the first alien to graduate from their top medical school. Over time, relations with the Federation began to deteriorate, and soon the planet became unfriendly to Pax’s presence.

Pax returned home to the Jabal Tariq, where he took a job working under the ship’s medic. However, he felt that he no longer fit in among the ship’s crew, and he found little fulfillment in treating everyday scrapes and bruises. After a short time, he made the difficult decision to pursue a career in Starfleet, hoping to find a place to explore new ideas and advance the field of medicine. He became quite capable practicing organic medicine, though he privately wished that the Federation would embrace cybernetics as the next step in medical science.

After graduating the academy, Pax served aboard the USS Reyes, a Olympic-type hospital ship, where he eventually attained the rank of Lieutenant. During this time, he gained attention after developing a novel nanite-based treatment for a parasitic disease. Though the treatment prevented millions of deaths, its superficial similarity to Borg technology caused some anxiety among Starfleet command. His ingenuity and talent for emergency surgery earned him respect among his peers, though he felt that he was overlooked by more prestigious postings.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Medicine
Academy Minor(s): Cybernetics
Hobbies and Pastimes: Physical fitness, cooking
Short-Term Goals: Practice surgery on a non-humanoid species, compete in a new sport
Long-Term Goals: Destigmatize cybernetic medicine in the Federation
Personality: Highly social, but prone to rant about technical topics. Bored easily when not confronted by new ideas.
Sense of Humor: Morbid, verging on macabre
Phobias: Isolation/being stranded
Likes: Small animals, musicals
Dislikes: Coffee, Being cold
Pet Peeves or Gripes: People who don’t listen to medical advice
Achievements: First alien to graduate from Riani’s top medical school
Disappointments: Being forced to leave a planet he considered home
Illnesses: Needs regular immunosuppressants to prevent rejection of his implants
Strengths: Physical strength, technical capability
Weaknesses: Struggles with theoretical science, needs to see it to believe it
Fears: Debilitating illness
Prejudices: Suspicious of soldiers
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Stylish and practical. Fond of motorcycle jackets
Friends: Chencko Limarckstav, a mentor from his residency

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: Physical therapy following spinal replacement. He believes that this experience helps him empathize with his patients.
Best Time: Competing in a triathlon during his time at the academy
Most Crucial Experience: His first emergency surgery seemed to have gone perfectly, but the patient nearly died from unforeseen complications shortly after. This taught him that the body is an infinitely complex machine, and there will always be unaccounted variables.
Role Model: Sovan, a Vulcan doctor known for advancing medical technology and prosthetics

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Star Fleet Academy xxxxxx.xx Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Chief Medical Officer USS Yeager, NCC-60097 202502.01 Lieutenant Lieutenant
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 1

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