Brown, John

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John Brown JR
John Brown.jpg
Career Occupation
Engineering Officer
USS Yoritomo, DD-4019
Biographical Attributes
188 CM
220 LBS
Eye Color:
Sky Blue
Hair Color:
Fair Hair
Crew Cut
Fair Skin
United Federation of Planets
U.S.S Invincible; Sickbay
Familial Relationships
Captain John Brown SR, Commanding Officer U.S.S Invincible
Commander Charlotte Brown CMO U.S.S Invincible
Lieutenant Commander Patrick Brown (32) Starfleet Medical Research Starbase 118
Marital Status:

Personal History

Early Life: John was Born on the U.S.S Invincible early on one of its Deep Space Exploration Missions he was the Son of Captain John Brown who is well known in the Deep Space Exploration community for his experience in First Contact. The Younger John has an Older Brother called Patrick who is Ten Years older than him His Mother in Later Years became the Chief Medical Officer on the U.S.S Invincible. At a Young Age the U.S.S Invincible got a New First Officer by the Name of Commander Steven Larson who brought with him His Daughter Kristi who was the same age as John early on the two became great friends and were always seen together never apart. John’s relationship with his Father at a young age was cold at best as John Senior was more interested in First Contact and new ways to learn New Languages to not be so reliant on Technology to learn about new cultures but not about how to be a father to his Son. John and Patrick never were able to see any common interests with each other as Patrick and his Mother Charlotte were more knowledgeable with different types of biology which would Never interest John he was more interested in how people ticked in order to stop them in Battle he loved learned at a Young age about old Star Fleet Battles. During this time both John and Kristi were getting really close and becoming great friends some would think they might have been more than just friends.

Teenage/ Pre-Academy: John started preparing to go to the Academy after going to the Graduation of his Brother Patrick from Medical Training, John really started to feel the pressure from his Parents to choose a similar field as his Father and be an explorer. To his Parents dismay John was not interested in exploration he was more interested in Security and Tactical Operations And Basic Engineering Courses Commander Steven Larson would allow him on the Bridge of the Invincible to learn more about Ship Security and Starship Combat as well as Helm Operations he was allowed to Take Runabout Lessons Early before his pre entrance exam. During this Time John started to have feelings for Kristi but he could never tell her his feelings as she was in Love with another person on the Invincible this had an effect on John as he learned how heart broken, he was. John was accepted to leave for the Academy he was to leave in a matter of days as the Invincible was going to head to the Nearest Star base to Allow John to travel to Earth. The Invincible was entering a Binary Star Cluster for a routine scan of the Area before they were to head to Star base 105 unknown to them within the Star cluster was home to a xenophobic race. The Invincible was brutally attacked by an unknown vessel the aftermath of the Battle was the loss of a person John never realized could change everything Commander Steven Larson was killed on the Mission and it was the last time he would see Kristi as after this she stopped all contact with John as she blamed him for wanting to Join Starfleet for her Father’s death.

Academy Days:

Academy Year One:

John Started his First Year still feeling the pain from what Happened on the Invincible John tried to contact Kristi and all his messages were not returned. It came time to Pick his Minor John thought if he was going to be a good Tactical Officer, he should know about Repairing them so John took a Minor Engineering Course. As John Continued his First Year, he found himself learning more about Engineering in his minor Course the Instructor suggested to him to Change his Major So John change his Major to Engineering. Most of the rest of his First Year was like any other First Year he went to Party’s and met new people he also went on a few Dates which didn’t really work as he was still in Love with Kristi.

Academy Year Two:

At the Start of the Second Year John stopped trying to contact Kristi he decided since he hasn’t heard from her in over a Year it is not right to keep trying to message her. John made a few friends in his classes he also got to know his instructors until he found out there was a class on First Contact which his Father was asked to speak at. He tried to stay hidden at the back of the room but his father embarrassed him by asking him questions on First Contact that he knew the answer too which made his known for his connection with his Father. John tried to get over the meeting he tried to visit his Brother who was on Earth for a conference and his Brother again make John feel stupid as he doesn’t know much about Medical.

Academy Year Three:

John was enjoying his Third Year at the Academy he started Dating a Girl called Mary they were in the same class they were dating for the Last Six Months. John was hoping things in his Love life would actually be turning around, but John ran into Kristi at a local Bar close to the Academy Grounds. Kristi wouldn’t talk to him but after this him and Mary broke it off as Mary wanted to become a Captain and thought having someone would side track her. John reeled from this and tried to move on luckily there was a call for Volunteers for a Cadet Tour around the Known worlds John signed up to get his mind off it.

Academy Year Four:

John started his Final Year by going to the decommissioning of the U.S.S Invincible he saw Kristi there and she actually talked to him. John felt all the feelings again he so wanted to tell Kristi the truth but he couldn’t as after nearly Three Years Kristi talked to him and cared about how he was doing she wished him luck in his future in Star Fleet. John asked her if they could send letters, she said she would be willing and not much more. John was hoping this would mean that they can more than friends.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Starship Engineering
Academy Minor(s): Weapons Systems
Hobbies and Pastimes: Fishing, Hunting Wild game North America Earth, Star Fleet Space Battles
Short-Term Goals: To Try to get Kristi to talk to him again to profess his Love for her; and maybe finally get over her
Long-Term Goals: I get out of his Parents shadow and excel under his own right to be a great Tactical Officer to prove to his Father he can do it
Personality: John could be very quiet to being the life of the Party
Sense of Humor: He has a Dry Sense of Humor he finds things funny that most others don’t
Phobias: Snakes really gets John up the nerve he is terrified of them
Likes: John likes a good BBQ and an Ale; he also like most Music from Earth Mostly Rock from the 1980’s
Dislikes: Olives and people who talk behind his back
Pet Peeves or Gripes: John doesn’t like it if he is given a task in a group setting and he has to hold the rest of the group. Or Know it all Officers who think there better than a lower ranker
Bad Habits or Vices: John as a bad habit of clicking his nails when he gets really nervous which is an annoyance to others
Achievements: John received award for the School Play he was in when he was younger for being able to sound like Jean-Luc Picard
Disappointments: One of John’s greatest disappointments was that he was never able to tell Kristi that he was in Love with her
Illnesses: John broke his leg when he was 12, he fell off the Catwalk in Engineering
Strengths: Is Able to understand the underdog and new cultures
Weaknesses: he can go on and on about a subject and rambles
Fears: Being alone and not being loved
Prejudices: John hates the Race that the Invincible found on the Final Mission he doesn’t like anyone who is Xenophobic
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Collared Shirt and Dress Slacks; Or Jeans and a T-Shirt
Distinguishing Features: A Warming Smile that made most Girls in his Teenage years melt
Pets: N/A
Friends: Kristi Larson who is the Daughter of Commander Steven Larson who was the First Officer of the U.S.S Invincible for most of John’s childhood until he left for the Academy. John had feelings for Kristi that were never returned.

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: The time he was on Board of the U.S.S Invincible it was attacked and in the aftermath Commander Steven Larson was killed causing John to lose Kristi who broke his heart
Best Time: The time on the Invincible before the final mission as it was the time he spends with Kristi and her Father to John these were the best times of his Life
Most Crucial Experience: The Final Mission he was on the Invincible and the death and destruction he experienced and loss of life made John grow up and know that Starfleet is not all fun and games real people can be lost at a moment notice
Role Model: Commander Steven Larson First Officer of the Invincible while he was growing up as Steven was the one who showed John warmth when his own father was so cold

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Star Fleet Academy 21912.22 Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Cadet Star Fleet Academy 21912.22 Graduated Star Fleet Academy. Promoted to Midshipman. Midshipman
Engineering Officer USS Yoritomo, DD-4019 21912.22 Assigned to USS Yoritomo, DD-4019.
Engineering Officer USS Yoritomo, DD-4019 22004.27 Promoted to Ensign. Ensign
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 1

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.