Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome

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Lieutenant Barclay, de-evolved due to Protomorphosis Syndrome

An artificial disease, accidentally created by Dr. Beverly Crusher.

While attempting to cure Lieutenant Reginald Barclay of Urodelan Flu, the doctor used a synthetic T-cell in order to activate the gene that would fight off the infection.

An anomaly in Barclay's genetic structure caused the T-cell to mutate, which activated all of his dormant genes. Interaction between these genes and the Urodelan Flu caused the T-cell to become an airborne virus.

The initial symptoms of this disease include abnormal behavior, irritability, chills, fever, and paranoia.
The virus causes the awakened genes to become aggressive, and alter the body, until it physically regresses into an earlier form of its species. In short, the body "de-evolves."

The syndrome was cured by using amniotic fluid to create a retrovirus that eliminated the effects.