Armageddon Directive
The Armageddon Directive was a series of automated directives for the Federation Star Fleet to follow in the event of a catastrophic Borg attack on the Sol System.
The activation of the directive required all starships in the entire Star Fleet to follow six general orders:
1. All ships are directed to flee the Sol System, not to return until verifiable orders are received to return.
2. Starships will not make contact with starbases or member planets unless absolutely necessary.
3. All ships are directed to avoid contact with Borg forces unless victory can be assured.
4. All Commanding Officers are given full authority to negotiate treaties as necessary.
5. Conserve your resources, as it may be impossible to resupply.
6. Specific mission orders may be accessed with the Captain’s command access codes.
The Armageddon Directive has only been implemented once in the history of the Federation. Fleet Admiral Jonathan Beckett initiated the Armageddon Directive on Stardate 20211.14 after a Borg fleet attacked the Sol System and destroyed Starbase 1, the San Francisco Shipyards, and several Star Fleet starships and starbases.
The directive was rescinded on Stardate 20305.01 when a combined force of Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Mirak, Tholian, and Species 8472 defeated the Borg.
On Star Date 21112.11, in the alternate universe from which the current USS Avenger comes, Star Fleet re-initiated the directive, with the third rule modified as follows, after over 1/3 of the Federation had been destroyed or 'enlightened' by the Kryner Inquisition:
3. All ships are directed to avoid contact with hostile forces unless victory can be assured.