Archer, Gabriel

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Gabriel Archer
Career Occupation
Commanding Officer
USS Intrepid, CA-1708
Biographical Attributes
180 cm (5 ft. 11 in.)
84.8 kg (187 lb.)
Eye Color:
Deep green
Hair Color:
Black a few grey streaks
Light, occasionally tanned
Facial Hair:
Confident, proud
United Federation of Planets
Familial Relationships
Admiral Christopher Archer (retired)
Captain Sarah Paris Archer (Star Fleet Medical)
Status of Parents:
Marital Status:

Personal History

Gabriel came from a family with a long line of Starfleet Admirals and heroes, dating back to the beginning of Starfleet and even before the formation of the Federation. Since he was a young boy he was raised with the purpose of joining Starfleet, it was the only way that he could live up to his family name. At an earlier age, during the Borg invasion, he made up his mind to join Starfleet, and at the age of 17, Gabe graduated first in his class from the Junior college in the field of Science and Astronomy in Montréal. He was one of the youngest people to have this honor. Then, he started working on getting his Civilian Space Pilot Certificate which he got at the age of 18 while studying as a freshman at the Starfleet Academy. His application was filled with recommendations from Admirals and other ranked officers in the fleet, from both the Archer and the Paris families. Some were retired while others were still active. Right after graduation he was assigned to the Heavy Battle Cruiser USS Gettysburg.

On the Getty, Gabe worked his way up the ranks to become an Ensign, and through his hard work he held the position of the Assistant Chief Science Officer. After modifying a Quantum Torpedo that helped destroy an updated Romulan Warbird and saving his ship, Archer was awarded Star Fleet Achievement Medal and received a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade. With the transfer of the Getty’s CSO, the Bollian Lieutenant Commander Taneko, who has been Gabriel’s mentor since his arrival on aboard the Getty, Captain Syntranos asked Archer to become his new Chief Science Officer. Gabe was deeply honored by his Captain's offer, and he humbly accepted.

In the year that followed, the USS Gettysburg joined the USS Comet on a mission to a Romulan rogue planet called Ecurai. The purpose was to investigate the situation and report back to the Federation. The mission was a success. However, Archer took what was meant to be a mortal disruptor wound to his side as he lunged to save Commander Vaebn Tei, the Comet's first officer's life. The mysterious wound caused Gabriel to fall into a coma and the doctors were puzzled trying to figure out how he survived it. Three days later, Gabriel woke up and the wound seemed to be stable, only to be forgotten with time. For his brave actions on Ecurai, Gabriel was awarded the Diamond Star Medal by Fleet Admiral Jon Beckett himself on the same day that the new USS Enterprise was commissioned; he was also promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander after passing the Command Officer's Test.

LCdr Archer, as the Chief Science Officer

As time passed, Archer was content in his post on the Gettysburg. Although he was offered promotions and positions elsewhere, and many of his friends received transfers, he remained by his Captain's side. He was glad to make use of the Gettysburg's state of the art Science facilities to conduct his research while he continued to lead the USS Gettysburg's Science department to perform at their best. Little did he know that the wind of change was coming his way.

On a wedding ceremony in the ship's holodeck, a malfunctioning hologram passed through Archer. The photons of the hologram caused Gabriel's un-healed wound from the Ecurai mission to mysteriously reopen, prompting the medics to transfer him to Star Base Bravo's medical center. The base's more powerful scanners were able to detect a very faint traces of radio active particles in the wound. There was only one doctor in Starfleet Medical who did extensive research on the affect of such particles on the human tissue. That was Dr. Ebony Liora of the USS Yeager.

Gabriel was transferred in a hurry aboard a medical shuttle to meet up with the Yeager so he may be in the care of that capable doctor, however it was unclear how long it will take for the wound to heal. Considering the possibility of Archer staying on the Yeager for an extended period of time, Starfleet decided that it would be best if he was assigned to the ship. It was so happened that the current Yeager CSO, Lieutenant Commander Tregelen, just received a promotion to first officer. Captain Valiant saw that Gabe was the most qualified person on board to take over the Science Department at the time, and he decided to ask him to be his Chief Science Officer. Just when Gabe thought that his career was over, he was blessed with this wonderful opportunity, and he was happy to accept the offer.

Soon after joining the Yeager, the ship was charged in retaking Space Station Sierra Eighteen from pirates. The mission was a difficult success, and the Yeager’s crew was transferred to the station, giving Archer his third post as the new CSO of Sierra Eighteen. For his effort in helping the crew retake the station, Archer was awarded a Starfleet Achievement Medal. It was during this time that Gabriel fell in love with a young Engineer on the station. Her name was Ensign Julia Nielson. Their attempts to keep the relationship covered up did not meet with much success. They soon discovered that on a station such as Sierra Eighteen, almost nothing is a secret.

Gabriel didn’t have time to settle into his new position before a powerful Ion storm hit the station. The storm interacted with the shields and produced strange spatial anomalies. Gabe and the science department played an important role in containing those anomalies and protecting the crew. His effort was recognized with the award of another Starfleet Achievement Medal.

Later on, Gabriel was in command of Sierra Eighteen and held his ground valiantly against a rouge Klingon attack on the station. Eventually Archer was knocked unconscious by an explosion during the course of the battle and the crew finished what's left of the fight to finally drive the Klingons away.

When the Second Romulan War started, Sierra Eighteen was taken by an overwhelming Romulan force and the crew evacuated the station. Gabriel stayed back on board along with Lieutenant Commander Barrett and Lieutenant Kaiser. Being a prisoner of war was an experience that would scar Gabriel for life. However, the three officers staged a brilliant and daring escape attempt that helped lower the station’s defenses and allow the Starfleet-Klingon-Mirak task force to take it over with relative ease. When the dust settled, and life was back to normal, Archer was awarded the Starfleet Commendation Medal and the Purple Heart. His happiness was short lived, as he was told that his friend Captain Valiant defected to Cardassia. He also learned that Julia Nielson decided to take a position aboard the USS Dauntless. Over time, the two drifted apart slowly and eventually became just friends.

Commodore Roberts took over command of the station after the Romulan war was over. But he didn't get much time to settle in as an alien race called the Jinkarie made first contact with the Federation through Space Station Sierra Eighteen. They were a telepathic race, and apparently, they infected the crew with a telepathically infectious virus that was about to kill everyone. After all attempts failed, Commodore Roberts was able to convince a Cardassian ship to bring us the cure who only existed on the Jinkarie home world. For his role in saving the crew and sympathizing the cure, Archer was awarded the Gold Star Medal. Meanwhile, Gabriel had submitted his theses to be considered for a doctorate degree in Science at the Daystrom Institute of Technology. He is still waiting for an answer.

After the Jinkarie's crisis has passed, Sierra Eighteen resumed its normal operations. Gabriel's friend, Commander Hawk became Sierra's new First Officer, replacing Tregelen who became the USS Titan's new CO. On the other hand, Gabriel was put in command of the USS Jefferson, and was sent to conduct astrological surveys of the Hugora Nebula. However, before the Starship could reach her destination, she received a distress signal from the Federation Colony on Hakton VII, and diverted course to answer the colony's call for help. Soon after the ship enters standard orbit, a mysterious explosion rocks the Escort Ship knocking her life support systems off line. With only 30 minutes left of breathable air, the crew were forced to land near the colony in order to conduct repairs. Initial investigation points at a possible sabotage. Eventually Gabriel lead an investigation into some illegal Uridum mining operation on that planet being ran by Farians. The Ship was able to return to Sierra with no major damage and no loss in souls. For his command of the mission he was given the Diamond Star Medal.

Soon after his return, Archer was surprised to hear that Commander Hawk was given command of the USS Copernicus, and Commodore Roberts asked him to become his new First Officer. Knowing that his plans to continue his doctorate degree may have to be put on hold if he is to take this new responsibility, Gabriel decided to accept the position.

It did not take Gabriel long before he became the Captain of Sierra Eighteen. But his Command there was short lived. The station was destroyed in an epic battle with the Krynar, all hands lost, with the exception of the officers aboard the Jefferson and the few auxiliary vessels that survived the onslaught. Eventually, what was left of the crew was reassigned to the USS Intrepid, with Archer serving as her new Captain.

Capt. Archer, as the CO of the USS Intrepid

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Advanced Science
Academy Minor(s): Tactical
Hobbies and Pastimes: Horse back riding, rock climbing and Martial arts
Short-Term Goals: To fulfill his duties as the First Officer on Sierra Eighteen with excellence
Long-Term Goals: To get his own command on day
Personality: Confident, cool headed, idealist, and believes that regulations are only guidelines no more. Very hard to know what is he thinking about or how he is feeling (unless you are a Betazoid)
Sense of Humor: So so
Phobias: Dark places
Likes: He likes a challenge, women and mysteries
Dislikes: He dislikes the Borg and spiders
Pet Peeves or Gripes: Unfinished business; an ignorant commanding officer with no leadership skills
Bad Habits or Vices: Workaholic, he would rather work than sleep
Achievements: Civilian space pilot certificate. A junior college degree in science and astronomy. A gold medal in a local horse riding competition. A black belt in GSD(General Self Defense). Graduated with distinction from Star Fleet Academy with a Science Major.
Disappointments: He believes that no matter how hard he works he will never be able to make his father proud of him.
Illnesses: Common cold (his mother is a doctor, so she made sure he had all the shots)
Strengths: Broad knowledge, sense of duty, problem solving skills, decision making skills, trained in diplomacy and leadership
Weaknesses: He can get carried away with his scientific curiosity on the expense of his command responsibilities.
Fears: the darkness, spiders
Prejudices: Against anything that is Borg
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Elegant, neat
Distinguishing Features: A ready smile
Pets: Horse named Ra'ad (at home on Earth)
Friends: Lisa Lefler. A childhood friend. She is living on Earth in Toronto, Canada, and she is working as an engineer on a project involving increasing shield rotations for Starships and planetary shields.

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: The most painful experience in his life has to be losing his grandparents to the Borg attack on their colony during the 20211.11 invasion and not being able to do anything about it
Best Time: The first time he piloted a shuttle by my himself right after getting his pilot certificate. It was so peaceful to see planet Earth from orbit. He was charmed by the freedom of flying, and he loved the feeling of being in command... he always thought of it as his own small starship. His mother would joke that its genetics!
Most Crucial Experience: One day on the yearly family gathering, Archer met a person from his mother’s family, called Loren Paris he was the only family member Gabe have met who did not join Star Fleet, in other words he was the family outcast; everyone talking about the service and he was silent. While when he talked about his crops and land, people listened out of being polite but even a 12 year old as Gabriel back then could see that they had no interest what so ever in what he was saying. At that point Gabriel was terrified of becoming him. He already had an interest in biology and plant life and that scared him even more. It was then that he had decided to channel that interest toward science as a whole instead of drifting into agriculture.
Role Model: His role models are Captains of the fleet; James T. Kirk, Jean-Luc Picard, Benjamin Sisko, Kathryn Janeway, Jonathan Archer and other family heroes of the Archers and the Paris’ families. The truth is, since Gabe was a little boy his bed-time stories were about the accomplishments of these men and women, he was raised to admire them.

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Star Fleet Academy 20501.30 Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon  
Science Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20501.30 – 20503.30 Midshipman  
Science Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20503.01 – 20504.01 Ensign  
Science Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20504.01 – 20509.01 Lieutenant Junior Grade  
Science Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20504.01 Role Player of the Month  
Chief Science Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20506.01 – 21010.23 Promoted
Chief Science Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20509.01 – 20602.01 Lieutenant  
Chief Science Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20509.01 Star Fleet Achievement Medal  
Chief Science Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20602.01 Command School Graduate Ribbon  
Chief Science Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20602.01 – 21012.01 Lieutenant Commander  
Chief Science Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20602.01 Role Player of Month
Chief Science Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20603.01 Diamond Star  
Chief Science Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20608.01 Star Fleet Commendation Medal  
Chief Science Officer USS Yeager, SC-8018 20501.30 – 20710.01 Transferred
Chief Science Officer USS Yeager, SC-8018 20703.01 Role Player of the Month  
Chief Science Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 20710.01 – 21201.01 Transferred
Chief Science Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 20712.01 Star Fleet Achievement Medal  
Chief Science Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 20806.01 Star Fleet Achievement Medal  
Chief Science Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 20808.01 Role Player of the Month  
Chief Science Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 20811.01 Star Fleet Achievement Medal  
Chief Science Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 20909.01 Star Fleet Achievement Medal  
Chief Science Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 20910.01 Purple Heart  
Chief Science Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 21002.01 Role Player of the Month  
Chief Science Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 21005.01 Gold Star  
Chief Science Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 21008.01 Role Player of the Month  
First Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 21010.23 – 21107.06 Promoted
First Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 21011.01 Role Player of the Month  
First Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 21012.01 – 21107.06 Commander  
First Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 21104.15 Short Story Participant  
Acting Commanding Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 21105.01 – 21107.06 Promoted
Acting Commanding Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 21106.01 Diamond Star  
Commanding Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 21107.06 – 21201.01 Promoted
Commanding Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 21107.06 Captain  
Commanding Officer Space Station Sierra 18, SS-18 21112.01 Star Fleet Distinguished Service Globe  
Commanding Officer USS Intrepid, CA-1708 21201.01 – 21902.10 Transferred
Commanding Officer USS Intrepid, CA-1708 21201.01 Outstanding Unit Citation  
Commanding Officer USS Intrepid, CA-1708 21207.01 Diamond Star  
Commanding Officer USS Intrepid, CA-1708 21303.01 Diamond Star  
Commanding Officer USS Intrepid, CA-1708 21311.01 Gold Star  
Commanding Officer USS Intrepid, CA-1708 21304.01 Diamond Star  
Commanding Officer USS Intrepid, CA-1708 21501.01 Krynar War Campaign Medal  
Commanding Officer USS Intrepid, CA-1708 21510.01 Star Fleet Commendation Medal  
Commanding Officer USS Intrepid, CA-1708 21610.01 Star Fleet Achievement Medal  
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
  Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 1
  Command School Graduate Ribbon 1
  Star Fleet Achievement Medal 6
  Star Fleet Commendation Medal 2
  Gold Star 2
  Diamond Star 5
  Star Fleet Distinguished Service Globe 1
  Outstanding Unit Citation 1
  Purple Heart 1
Campaign Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
  Krynar War Campaign Medal 1
Achievement Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
  Role Player of the Month 6
  Short Story Participant 1

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.