Andoria | |
Class: | M |
Type: | Planetoid |
Native Species: | Andorian Aenar |
Location: | Beta Quadrant |
Affiliation: | Andorian Empire United Federation of Planets |
Andoria is the Andorian homeworld, and capital of the Andorian Empire -- a founding member of the United Federation of Planets.
It is a satellite of the gas giant Andor in the Beta Quadrant. Its Andorian name is Fesoan, and its capital is Laibok.
Andoria is an ice world, with a breathable oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere. Andorian cities are located underground, and take their energy from geothermal activity. The cities are connected to each other by thousands of kilometers of tunnels. Only during rare heatwaves will the temperature on Andoria rise above freezing, and even then only for a few weeks at a time. During mid-summer, a temperature reading of -28° is not uncommon. Four continents make up Andoria's 35.1% surface landmass. The inhabitants predominantly reside on Ka'Thela and Voral, which are linked by the mountainous isthmus Akalath, home to the Tharan Mountains. The other two landmasses, Issa and Tlanek, are almost completely glacial.
Andoria's population consists of 5 billion Andorians, and roughly 1 million Humans, and 0.6% other species.
Andoria is located close to Vulcan, which has historically led to a series of conflicts between the Andorian Empire and the Vulcans. Andoria is also relatively close to the Sol system.
See main page:Andorian Empire
The Andorian Empire is a parliamentary democracy, lead by a chancellor.
The Andorian chancellor maintains diplomatic relations with the Aenar race, following their contact in the early-22nd century.
The Andorian government was a constitutional monarchy, first established in the 19th century with the unification of the planet from warring clans by Thalisar the Last. Thalisar deliberately died childless, and created the parliamentary democracy that has governed Andoria ever since her death. The position of Head of State is deliberately left empty, and is represented by the "Empty Throne of the Andorian Empire," found in the Parliament Andoria Complex. The head of government is the Chancellor, whose seat is determined by whichever political party that has a majority in the Parliament Andoria. The majority party also determines Andoria's Federation Counselor.
Provinces and Cities
- Gazawahaida
- Harbortown
- Laibok (Captiol City)
- Shess
- Tarsk
- Thelasa-vei Province
- Wethesa
Points of Interest
- Andorian Academy
- Central Canal
- Eastern Archipelago
- Emarni Lake
- Frost River
- Great Rift Range
- Hand of Cheshras
- Khyzhon Sea
- Moss River
- Nitra Bridge
- Northern Wastes
- Plaza of Freedom
- Therin Park
- Vezhdar Plain
- Wall of Heroes
- challorn: A sweet smelling flower
- eketha: A hardwood tree
- elta: A floral tree
- kaizis: A type of wild bean
- Andorian rose: A bluish white flower that resembles a tulip
- taras: A kind of tree
- vithi: An edible flower
- zletha: A flower
- ahleesh:
A fish whose flesh is very tough unless cooked for long periods of time - alicorne:
Species of six-legged animals with cream-colored fur and an indigo horn - atlirith
(also known as an Andorian Eagle): An aerial hunter known for its graceful flight, powerful dives and pinpoint accuracy - canya:
Water fowl that live on the rocky shores bordering the Northen Wastes - Engoru:
A hard shelled crustation whose meat is poisonous; considered a pest as it clings to the underside of sea-faring transports - grelth:
A large venomous arachnid whose habitat is in the ice-encrusted conifer forests along the northenmost zones of Ka'Thela and Voral - gopa:
A small creature whos mere touch paralyses - grahty:
Feline native to Andoria; slightly larger than Human housecats but are largely undomesticated - hybor:
An animal similar to a Human rabbit - ice bore:
Worms that live in the ice-packs, resembling Human caterpillars and live in large swarms;
they generate heat through a chemical reaction, causing them to fall through the ice caves;
children often chase swarms for hours, hoverever, physical contact can result in third-degree burns - kritkraw:
A pack animal with shaggy coats, curling tusks and fangs, and long legs;
their habitat is in a region of the northernmost continent of Andoria call the Valley of Sorrows - korelath:
A small burrowing mammal prized for its fur and as pets - makra:
Large land predator about the size of a bear, native to the foothills of the Endas and Tavda Mountains;
known for its ripping talons and binding speeds;
fur is short and oily, colored a deep gray and eyes that are bright yellow, their hides are sturdy and are a popular and prized form of Andorian leather;
it produces a bone-chilling call by taking short intakes of breath through its oral ridges;
hunting the makra is still considered a "rite of adulthood" by some and a popular sport - preshava (also known as an Andorian Lake Monkey):
A large nearly bipedal amphibian native to shallow water;
one of the smarter animals on Andoria, described as a cross between a frog and a miniature chimpanzee;
averages .7 meters and weighs 5-8 kg.;
omnivorous gatherer/scavenger and work in packs;
has a set of antennae as well as hair growing from its head along with webbed feet and slippery smooth skin - zabathu:
Riding animal similar to a horse - zhaveys (also known as Andorian Bulls):
Andorian cattle used for their milk and meat;
their bones are crafted into jewelry and other goods