4th Fleet Mission 01: "Theft of the Chin'toka"
On Star Date 21201.21, during the dedication ceremony for the USS Chin'toka, a station-wide drill was initiated on Star Base Delta. Unknown to those even conducting the drill, it was designed and scheduled as a distraction to allow the hijacking and theft of the USS Chin'toka and the kidnapping of five command-level officers of the Fourth Fleet, including Captains Yvette and Nielson, Commanders Ristone and Torkav, and Vice Admiral Grayson. Also kidnapped were Lieutenant Commander Fiore, Lieutenant Commander Laura Macleod, Senior Chief Petty Officer Kyber, and a civilian named Morgan Dexter.
The hijacking initiated a chase by the starships USS Pegasus, USS Philadelphia, USS Yeager, and USS James Madison. The chase lasted approximately 7 minutes outbound from the station at which time the Chin'toka, using a sensor confusing device, managed to double back and head back toward the station, extending the chase. As it neared Star Base Delta, the terrorists sabotaged the ship, forced a separation, and then abandoned it and fled in the Chin'toka's yacht. The captives were left behind excepting Vice Admiral Grayson who was dumped into space as the yacht fled.
The Admiral was returned to Star Base Delta and was subjected to multiple surgeries and lengthy recovery before being considered for a return to duty. The yacht escaped.
- 1 Logs
- 1.1 USS Chin'toka, CA-1375
- 1.2 USS Pegasus, CL-2500
- 1.3 USS Philadelphia, FF-6053
- 1.4 USS Yeager, SC-8018
- 1.5 USS James Madison, ES-17877
USS Chin'toka, CA-1375
Captain Aloysia Yvette, Commanding Officer
Star Date 21204.08
Captain’s Log Star Date 21204.08. Captain Aloysia Yvette recording:
I really didn’t want or expect my first Captain’s Log on the Chin’toka to be like this. I was taken completely surprised by the promotion to a bigger ship, first of all, but I didn’t even have time to get used to that. I still haven’t, really. I haven’t even managed to figure out if they will let me bring over some of the crew from the Philadelphia. I know that they already assigned me a FO and a CTO, which is quite irritating, but anyway, I am digressing away from the main point of this log.
We were on the brand-new Chin’toka for the ceremony to honor Commander Cooper, and to award medals to the crews of the Dalmatia mission. We hardly got past announcing Nick as the Pegasus’s CO, and surprising me with the Chin’toka when a Delta-wide drill was initiated. The crews of all the ships immediately had to report to their stations, but when the small number of Chin’toka crew tried, they were denied entry to the Bridge. The group of CO’s who had been on the stage, including Nick and myself, were escorted away by Captain Rabbit, who let us straight into a trap in Sickbay. A group of terrorists had taken over the Chin’toka, using the drill as a distraction to get the other crews off the ship
Nielson, Torkav, Laura, Nick, and myself were all tied up, and placed under guard. Thanks to some ingenuity from Torkav and the others we managed to subdue our guards and escape our bonds. Escaping Sickbay was not so easy; we had to blow it up with a grenade from a PR-1. The Sickbay of my brand-new ship has already been blown up – I’m not quite sure how I feel about that.
We retrieved Laura, who had been held in another room. She proved invaluable for her use of telepathy to identify where the criminals on the ship were located. After brief discussion, we headed to Engineering, only to find that the other ships had rapidly come after the Chin’toka to stop the hijackers from taking her. Commander Scott of the Pegasus was in Sickbay, and Commander Crawford was on the Bridge by the time we tried to take back the ship.
In the end there were actually very few casualties, besides the lackeys of the terrorists who had been killed by their own. Several ships were badly damaged, but we are limping back to Starbase Delta for repair. The hijackers didn’t get very far.
I’m not sure we really know what they were after since the Chin’toka was taken back so quickly. They attempted to kidnap Admiral Grayson, but they even gave him back without too much of a fight. I’m sure that security analysts will be pouring over internal sensors and other data to figure out just want happened. We do know that Captain Rabbit was a Satarran, which has those of us who know just how deadly they are very, very concerned.
Now that this is over I guess my shoreleave will be taken up with organizing the Chin’toka crew, and meeting with my new senior staff. I was hoping to spend a lot of time with both Nick and Eleanor, which I still plan to do, but it will be less than I wanted now. Nick has his own ship to organize again, so we’ll both be busy. We will have to have a discussion at some point on where Eleanor is going now that I have a larger ship.
End log.
Lieutenant Commander Cristina Fiore, Chief Tactical Officer
Star Date 21204.14
You know what, I don't even know where to start this. This was supposed to be a party. You know the type. 'Aren't we all fantastic, here are some medals.' Then some sick bastards steal the shiny new USS Chin'toka right out from under us. So instead of ranting about being snubbed on the Ticonderoga I'm sitting here in command of half of my new ship, duct tape holding my guts in and my back feeling like a Valerian has been using it as a trampoline.
Anyway. Let's try doing this from the start.
The party got derailed by a Starfleet drill. They simulated an attack on the base by these new aliens and had everyone scatter to their ships. Only we couldn't get to the Chin'toka Bridge or anything. It was all locked down. Even when it became clear that something was wrong, Command still tried to keep up the pretence that it was all part of this stupid drill. Lost a lot of respect for Captain Yvette already and we've barely said two words to each other.
So with the Bridge locked down and a whole group of COs still on board the ship but gone somewhere else, I got told to basically get a grip and get on with things. The computer was saying the ship was under attack but I looked outside and we'd gone to warp. If I'd known there was a drill going on I might have been able to act accordingly but I didn't.
The FO Commander Latro was on the auxiliary Bridge so I went to get him out of there. Only I then get locked into this holodeck simulation with him to tie us up and keep us busy. We only got out because one of the James Madison crew was on board playing at lone commando and broke into the holodeck. Only we weren't alone. There was someone else in there mixed in with the holograms. He jumped me when I wasn't looking. Beat the •••• out of me and got me in a neck-breaker hold. I tried to fight but ended up slipping a disc in the process. Damn that hurt. Latro had to summon an EMH to patch me up enough to continue.
From there we found out a bunch of armed maniacs had basically taken the ship over. Latro was to stay in the holodeck and get us control back whilst I went with the JM guy Kyber up to the Bridge. Barely got out of the holodeck when we detect someone climbing up the Jeffries tubes. I'm investigating when the bastards in control come out of warp suddenly and split the Chin'toka.
[Audible sigh, followed by the sound of drinking.]
I fell 20 feet down the Jeffries tube. PR-1 through the knee, charge pack embedded in my side, badly bruised shoulder, blood everywhere and a nicely re-••••••-up back. Had to stop the bleeding with tape and carry on back to the Bridge. Never felt pain like it. Ever.
When we finally get up there a team from the USS Pegasus had beamed over. There was a heated moment when we had to identify ourselves but luckily that passed. Turns out the hijackers were long gone and had taken Admiral Grayson with them. For a while anyway. ••••••• threw him out of an airlock. Lucky the Pegasus guys were quick with the transporters.
So here I am now in Captain Yvette's Ready Room having had a field medic do his best to patch me up. Yvette's on the drive section with a whole bunch of other COs whilst I'm here in nominal command of the saucer with Commander Crawford of the Pegasus and her Security teams. Under different circumstances it would have been a fun matching of wits but Crawford's in a long-term thing with Grayson, so she's going out of her mind worrying. Almost makes me glad I'm not with someone like that.
So yeah. I'm gonna go and see if we're back at base yet. But this is the last time I let any kind of party take place on my ship and damn who orders it. As if those things weren't bad enough, now we have to worry about the ship being stolen out from under us whilst we polish our medals and pat each other on the back.
End log.
Lieutenant Commander Laura Macleod, Chief Medical Officer
Star Date 21204.15
Chief Medical Officer’s Log, Star Date 21204.15, Doctor Macleod recording:
I’ve spent the last few days overseeing the repairs to the Chin’toka’s sickbay, the damage was extensive and the work is ongoing. The last thing I was expecting when I attended the launch ceremony was to be assigned to be her CMO and certainly my first introduction to my office was a less than pleasant experience, but I’ve spent some time thinking about the events that day and I don’t see how we could have done more than we did.
Briefly then, the Chin’toka was stolen during the party by some very unpleasant individuals who took Admiral Grayson and four of the 4th Fleets captain’s captive. I too was caught, tied up and put in what is now my office until they decided what to do with me. We managed to escape and made it to engineering, but our efforts may not have been needed after all, since the other ships pursued us and had just boarded when we arrived. The criminals had killed many of their own and escaped on the captain’s yacht, jettisoning Grayson and nearly killing him.
I’m still not sure if we foiled their plot, or if they were playing it deep… a lot of it doesn’t make sense to me, but then, what else is new. I had to use my Betazoid abilities rather more than usual and while it hurt, it’s made me think that maybe my brother has a point. I’m going to try exercising them more often from now on… at least I will if I can find a willing subject, I still don’t like the idea of imposing such an ability on people. If there are any Betazoid’s on the crew I might go so far as to enlist their help…
Captain Yvette has been given command which I couldn’t be more happy about, and I know she’s been working at getting as many of the crew of the Philadelphia transferred over as she could, which I can also say I’m pleased about. We will have a new First Officer though and I’m sure there will be mixed feelings about that, I look forward to meeting Latro and I hope it means Hudson will get his own ship now. At least we get a few weeks of shoreleave before the Chin’toka will be ready to sail again, and I have been invited to a holodeck party by our new CTO which should prove interesting.
End Log
USS Pegasus, CL-2500
Commander Tyra Crawford, Chief of Security
Star Date 21201.24
Chief of Security's Log Star Date 21201.24 Commander Tyra Crawford recording:
Well, I guess I've been putting this off long enough, and the counselor, bless her heart, insists that putting everything into words will make it easier to grasp. I'm really not sure that I'm any closer to buying into that psychological hocus pocus, but if it'll keep her off my back, I'll kindly oblige.
To keep a long, complicated story from being just that, I'll skip to the highlights, which were that the Snainoci were not to be trusted, in the least. They used some sort of microorganism to planet suggestions in our minds, which led to a mutiny by the majority of the away team and eventually, our using their technology to practically catapult ourselves back to the Alpha Quadrant, where we discovered that Bajor was, indeed, destroyed along with Starbase Charlie and Sierra-18.
I can handle having used their technology to get us back to the Alpha Quadrant…I probably would have been alright with that decision even if I'd been making decisions rationally. However, mutinying is not something I would ever consider, short of an extremely rare and volatile situation.
From one point of view, it's extremely disturbing that we were that successful in taking over the Pegasus. I had no problems confusing my department with different narratives, which distracted them from the disarray of facts, and Az was able to confuse the crew as well. I suspect if we had been a little less effective, the outcome might have been better.
I was never a big fan of Cooper's, to be honest. He struck me as more of a bureaucrat than a security officer, someone who had spent too much time behind a desk and had let his instincts get a little too soft. Maybe, it was unfair to compare him to Nick since Nick's the kind of security officer I'm use to and prefer. Regardless, Cooper didn't deserve to die, in an extremely unfortunate accident, while trying to retake his own ship. I might not understand why he went for the complicated method when he easily could have gotten the hand phasers needed to stun the whole bridge in one swoop, but it doesn't mean I'd wish that on him.
…Or wish that on Az, since he's the one that pulled the trigger while trying to stop an altercation between Cooper and Edwards. It doesn't help that this is the type of thing that will divide and destroy a senior staff…I don't foresee this going well, assuming we can survive an investigation.
It took a week to get to Delta after rendezvousing with the Chin'toka and Ristone, who is handling the investigation into the incident, and even after a few days on Delta, I'm not entirely certain I'm comfortable with everything. The counselor says it wasn't our fault… but someone has to take the fall, and it obviously won't be the Snainoci.
It won't be me either, apparently. Thomas has insisted that I be removed from the investigation now that I've completed my initial interview on the matter. I can't say I'm thrilled about him throwing his weight around in the matter, but I know he's trying to protect me. I would just prefer not to acquire a reputation for using him to get out of trouble…
I guess I could just try to not get in trouble, but that's never actually worked.
Speaking of staying out of trouble, the Chin'toka's launch ceremony is in an hour, and I have promised that I will be on my best behavior. It's likely to be just another stuffy event, but I'm finding that I don't mind them nearly as much as I use to. There are some benefits to being the fleet commander's arm candy…
End Log.
Star Date 21204.03
Chief of Security's Log Star Date 21204.03 Commander Tyra Crawford recording:
15 minutes…
That's how long it took to potentially change everything.
The Chin'toka's launch ceremony was interrupted part way through by a fleet-wide drill, which effectively cleared the ship of the majority of personnel, or apparently, security personnel. It provided the perfect opportunity to hijack the damn ship as well as a number of high value hostages.
It was a well executed, although seemingly unnecessary, hijacking. They managed to sabotage Delta's systems, which prevented ships from launching quickly to chase the beast. Then, they managed to fake two additional warp trails, which made chasing them difficult. We chose the right path, only to have our sensors whited out and the Chin'toka to pull a 180 degree turn and pass us all by. They seemingly were on a collision course with Delta.
During this entire disaster of a chase, I had security teams on stand-by with the hope that we could get close enough to slip teams on board. Because there were hostages, including four commanding officers, we couldn't just kick down the door and go in shooting, though that was an option if things truly fell apart. The one bright spot in the situation was that I thought I had confirmed Thomas' safety on Delta…God, was I wrong.
I was also wrong in thinking that Azernal has adjusted and overcome his difficulties from the last mission. He decided that his best option to stop the Chin'toka was to use the Pegasus as a ram… I don't remember reading that suicide is a best first option anywhere in any manual on proper command tactics. Fortunately, Judith stepped in before Douglas or I had to forcefully remove Azernal and provided us with a better option that involved beaming to the Chin'toka with security and engineering teams.
Within seconds of beaming onto the Chin'toka, the ship separated and went off in opposite directions. From what I've read, neither the teams in engineering nor on the bridge faced any opposition. My team wasn't as lucky, but we purposefully beamed to a location nearest what appeared to be the hijackers' exit strategy. We just didn't know they had a hostage…
Unfortunately, the hostage was Thomas, and somehow, two assault teams failed to stop the hijackers from taking him with them. Having him kidnapped in front of me was bad enough, but apparently, he was nothing more than a distraction, which they used to stop the pursuit. They ejected him into open space, and I have no doubt that they intended for him to die there, which is what would have happened had the Pegasus not been right there.
While the failure to prevent the kidnapping was a kick to the gut, not being able to stop that… that is a stab to the heart. There's no feeling worse than knowing you failed someone you love…
I spent thirty minutes thinking he was dead, while we brought the saucer section of the Chin'toka back, before finding out he'd been revived and brought into surgery on Delta. It's still hours before he comes out of surgery, and days until he'll wake up, which is when the doctors will know how much damage was done. I can only pray that everything is okay...I keep being told that I should be happy he's alive, but I can't help but think this was all preventable.
Then again, maybe it wasn't. We were all betrayed by people who we thought were our own. Rabbit, Thomas' Chief of Staff, was a Satarran. I don't know when the switch happened with the real Rabbit, but I'm positive it was the Satarran who had breakfast with us that morning. I'm also positive that it was a Satarran I spoke to, instead of Thomas. I'm curious how that switch happened, and even more curious about what happened to him..I wouldn't mind having a friendly chat with him. Maybe he'd be a little more forthcoming than a dying Ed Rabbit…
Regardless, none of this bodes well for us, at all. Between the invasion, the return of Satarrans, and then, these ruthless terrorists, I think we're in a lot of trouble…
End Log.
Lieutenant Commander Kyle DeWitt, Chief Tactical Officer
Star Date 21203.03
Chief Tactical Officer's Log Star Date 21203.03 Lieutenant Commander Kyle DeWitt recording:
After returning to Starbase Delta, I was given the opportunity to review the Bridge logs of what happened on the final leg of our last mission. From what I've heard everyone else that watched what I viewed have said it was all an understandable accident. I'm going to have people call me prejudice in what I think because I've never really like Azernal, but at the moment I don't give a damn what they think. I still feel as if our First Officer still wanted to get rid of Commander Cooper hence his mutiny. I'm probably the only person that feels that way, but it's my opinion and I'm going to stick by that 'til the day I die.
There has yet to be an official word of whether or not Azernal is still going to be permitted to serve in Starfleet, let alone in his position as First Officer. He's a disgrace to that uniform he wears so I'm not going to shed a single tear if they boot him out of the service.
With the attendance of the ceremony on the Chin'toka mandatory, I didn't expect things to go rather well. Much to my surprise it was actually bearable, probably more so had I not worn my Dress Uniform to the occasion. From what I heard, only Command Officers had been required to wear the whites, but it doesn't hurt to look extremely professional to a momentous event. Until we were all interrupted I took the time to reacquaint. with Bear and Brodie. I don't think he's ever going to let me live down the time I almost threw him down the core shaft back on Sierra. It's a shame that area no longer exists with our invaders having destroyed the station.
Speaking of our unknown invaders, during the ceremony an alert that the shards that attacked Sierra were on approach. With this new enemy taking out Starbase Charlie, Bajor, and Sierra 18, I was hiding ever fiber of fear I had in my body. I can't speak for every member in that Shuttlebay, but I don't think I was the only one attempting to do so. We were all quick to mobilize to our respective ships to respond to the attack. Soon after I arrived on the Bridge, Azernal took the center chair alongside Mister Scott. When our launch countdown hit zero we were unable to launch, due to the docking clamps that were still in place.
In an effort to try and get as much information as I possibly could, I accessed communications and took a look at what Base Command had sent to the fleet. I saw the communique that stated the invaders approaching Delta had only been a drill, but what was becoming the theft of the Chin'toka happened to be real. I also saw orders that showed weapons were not to be fired while in Spacedock. I feel like Azernal's judgment was clouding as he never took an opportunity to find out what Base was trying to tell us. I especially felt this way after he order a weapons lock on the clamps holding us in place. As I stepped away from my console, to allow Azernal access to Weapons, I stated my objections. While I did so, Azernal fired anyways. In his attempt to free both the Pegasus and i{Philadelphia} the shot on our clamp stayed within the realm of the simulation, but the other was real and hit the Nova, which hadn't been programmed in the simulation. With anger from the First Officer evident I wanted to explode right then and there, but I held my tongue and ordered Keval to determine who had possibly sabotaged the ship.
Once we were all freed, Commander Hudson was assigned the flotilla leader. It made sense since he was the most qualified to serve in the position, especially since it resided in the Tactical field. A request was sent to send a representative from each ship to the Philadelphia. I feel like Azernal was just looking for a reason to be able to send me off the ship, even if it was only temporarily, as he didn't hesitate in selecting me to go. Right there I was ready to say that the line was crossed, and that his judgment had been impaired if he was sending the most experience Tactical Officer off the ship.
I have to wonder if the Pegasus is really where I need to be right now. There are any number of ships that are looking for a Chief Tactical Officer, and I wouldn't hesitate in requesting the transfer right now. I'll see what happens once our recovery of the Chin'toka has taken place, and hopefully make my decision then.
End log.
Star Date 21204.02
Chief Tactical Officer's Log Star Date 21204.02 Lieutenant Commander Kyle DeWitt recording:
After arriving on the Philadelphia I was shown the make-shift Strategic Operations they had set up in the Observation Lounge. Commander Hudson joined us and we had access to all the sensor feeds from the pursuing ships. Even with all the information we were being given, none of it made sense in the big picture of things. Who captured the Chin'toka and why did they do it?
Our new unseen enemy appears to have technical training. While in hot pursuit the Chin'toka was able to send false sensor reading to all ship, three different warp trails to be exact. What was more infuriating was that they all had the reading of being the Chin'toka and there weren't any fluctuations. It wasn't possible to determine what was real and what was fake.
With very little choice, Commander Hudson ordered us all to keep our courses locked on the original target course heading toward the Romulan boarder. Luckily for us it turned out to be the right call. Unfortunately, the Chin'toka was able black out our sensors temporarily. This allowed them to launch an unprovoked attack against us. Shield were reduced drastically and the Philadelphia's starboard warp nacelle was damaged. In the game of cat and mouse they did a hard one eighty and began to return to Delta, on a collision course.
In the close seconds of impact, the Chin'toka performed an emergency saucer separation. Again there wasn't any good explanation as to why, but I guess we'll take all we can if it means not losing any more lives. During this time security teams from the Pegasus board and captured the Chin'toka. Why does this have similarities to our recent mission in the Dalmatia system?
With Starfleet property back in the right hands, we're on a return course back to Delta spacedock. I'll be remaining on the Philadelphia for our short journey in. I'm still trying to decide if I want to go through a transfer to another vessel. With the return of Commander Ristone, I don't feel like I need to transfer at this time. I'm still going to keep all of my options open for the future.
End log.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Johan Schwicker, Chief Medical Officer
Star Date 21204.07
Chief Medical Officer – Personal Log Star Date 21204.07 Doctor Schwicker, recording:
I have tried to imagine exactly what it would feel like to be exposed to se cold vacuum of space. When I saw Admiral Grayson’s body, recovered from just such an exposure, for a moment I could see my own face where his bled. It made me wonder What if it had happened to me?
I mean, in reality se man was dead wis virtually no reason to believe sat he could be resurrected. But se man was an Admiral, and failure to try everysing possible was not an option. Wis effort, I managed to revive his lungs and heart by mechanical means. His mind, however, well, sat is now a matter taken out of my hands.
What if it had happened to me? I am sure sat I, not even a full lieutenant, would have ended up in se morgue wisout so much as a ‘Here was CM032498DGG016544-2500, may he rest’!
Se Admiral, well, he has people who love him. People who would live, if he lived, and who would die, if he died.
I guess sat is what makes him human. But I am not so entirely human.
And, here I am so concerned about such sings, when greater issues are still pending. We are still invaded! And, even I can hear se inward cries for action. I can see it in se eyes of everyone I look at. Even se dead eyes of se Admiral! And, Yes, even I am moved—
To take se matter into my own hands, if necessary.
USS Philadelphia, FF-6053
Lieutenant Brodie Codey, Chief Engineer
Star Date 21204.06
USS Philadelphia - Acting Captain's Log Lieutenant Brodie Codey reporting Star Date 21204.06
The USS Philadelphia after returning from our mission in the Dalmatia System, was quickly reassigned to pursue the USS Chin'toka when it was stolen from Starbase Delta. At time of departure the USS Philadelphia was designated as the Strategic Operations Centre, with Commander William Hudson leading the fleet; all starship Captain's appeared to be incapacitated aboard the Chin'toka for the duration, indeed there has been no indication of the well being of Captain Aloysia Yvette.
Commander Hudson was assigned command of the Philadelphia as Captain Yvette had been given her new assignment that was to be the Chin'toka.
The fourth fleet pursued the Chin'toka, which put to good use its superior defensive, and offensive tactics; this caused several starships to receive superficial to first degree damage, which is currently being repaired. Unfortunately, Commander Hudson suffered a major heart attack during the pursuit; he has been removed to Sickbay, leaving myself to command the Philadelphia.
A short while ago, the Chin'toka was brought back under Starfleet control and we are escorting the saucer section back to Starbase Delta. Master Chief Petty Officer Ivanova Kuznetsova is repairing the damage to the warp nacelle, and is coordinating engineers to deal with the superficial damage. I am due in Sickbay to ascertain the severity of the heart attack on Commander Hudson, and have left Lieutenant Commander DeWitt of the USS Pegasus to take us in.
End Log.
Star Date 21204.16
USS Philadelphia - Acting Captain's Log Star Date 21204.16 Lieutenant Brodie Codey reporting
The Philadelphia is now docked at Delta. Just before we made anchor at the starbase Jack regan, and I, went down to see Commander Hudson in Sickbay. He has recovered consciousness but we are unsure whether he will be seen fit for duty for some time. I'm not entirely sure of how, and why, these things happen to our frail bodies - one moment we feel like we can take on the universe, and all its foes - the next we are at the mercy of some chemical or electrical imbalance... Molecules you can't even see, which determine our fate. I believe Commander Hudson will transfer into more luxurious surroundings on Delta, and I hope he will make a speedy recovery from there.
Earlier today I had a news reporter on board as I was fiddling around in the engine room, it sparked off several questions in my head - why do people want to know what goes on out here, in the farthest reaches of the void? After all, they are just people with their own concerns and their lives - why do they want to get involved in everyone elses? The guy was pleasant enough, and it was a weird feeling I got as he asked me the questions; minutes earlier I had received a message from Starfleet Command for my eyes only - this was only preceded by strange instructions by Starbase Delta - I believe they want to decommission the Philly!
I have tried to make appointments with Captain Yvette, but she is far too busy with her new command on the Chin'toka, and everything that has happened on her the past week! I have seen these orders before, and I wonder what the hell is happening...
Anyways, the harbour master now has the Philly under his control so this is me signing off as acting Captain, and chief engineer - until next time.
End Log.
Lieutenant Jack Regan, Chief of Security
Star Date 21204.14
Personal Log, Star Date 21204.14, Chief of Security Jack Regan recording:
I hate these Fleet get-togethers during shore leave, a dry bar and a lot of stuffed shirts is my idea of hell. It wasn't like I was even in a good mood after some idiot reporter forces his way into my office for an interview with some Fleet News Network or something. Anyway, let's just say that after the expletive-ridden ear bashing I gave him they won't be printing a word of it.
Well, the crews gathered on the Fleet's newest Heavy Cruiser Chin'toka for this little shindig. Lovely ship alright, and I wouldn't be the only one coveting it because, while it was docked at Delta, some light-fingered slags took it upon themselves to steal it! Oh yeah, and this was after we got the news Captain Yvette had been appointed its new CO... (and who is taken over Philly we don't yet know). Bloody charming.
So what then follows is a French bedroom farce across the quadrant whereby the rest of the fleet start chasing her...first one way, then another, and with two doppelgängers appearing in the same 'clothing' just to add identity confusion at one point (some kind of projection they used to fool our sensors... I'd like to find that button on the bloody helm console, probably right next to the one that opens the sun roof).
With Yvette and some other senior Fleet officers still aboard the Chin'toka when she was taken, the Philadelphia was under Commander Hudson's command. Codey set up a strat ops centre in the obs lounge. Then Hudson goes and has a bloody coronary!
Anyhow, Pegasus caught up with Chin'toka and after a brief period where it seemed like Commander Azernal would ram 'em, their assault team managed to board the Chin'toka. We don't yet know if the officers aboard helped in her recapture or even who had nicked her from space dock in the first place. Hudson is recovering from his heart attack, thankfully. It remains to be seen if he'll be passed fit for active duty any time in the near future. There goes the command crew.
Me..? I am heading for the nearest watering hole as soon as we re-dock at Star base. The only French bedroom farce I want to be involved in has frilly knickers playing a large part in the action.
End log.
Midshipman Savar Feyil, Science Officer
Star Date 21203.01
Midshipman Savar Feyil Personal Log Star Date 21203.01
My plan to talk to the Captain about options has been put on hold. The Captain is on the USS Chin'Toka and we are currently pursuing the ship.
This means I am stuck as a Science Midshipman for the duration of the current mission or problem. I was hoping to talk about a potential transfer to possibly Engineering.
What the current problem does allow is for me a chance to talk to our Chief Engineer to see how receptive and friendly he is.
End Log.
USS Yeager, SC-8018
Captain Julia Nielson, Commanding Officer
Star Date 21204.10
Captain's Log – Star Date 21204.10 Captain Julia Nielson recording:
Following the Battle of Sierra-18, the Yeager spent several days alongside the Titan and Thomas Jefferson searching the wreckage for survivors. Too many good people lost their lives that day, and I can only hope that we can put an end to the decimation brought by these invaders.
With the destruction of the 3rd Fleet, Command went through some restructuring of the Fleets. We have been assigned to the 4th Fleet and Starbase Delta.
Let me begin by saying the 4th Fleet certainly likes to begin new assignments with a bang. The Fleet held a launching ceremony for the newest vessel – the Chin'toka. Given everything that's happening in the Federation right now, a new ship is most welcomed.
During the ceremony a drill was run that none of the Fleet's captains were informed of. The scrambled was used as a cover for the theft of the Chin'toka and the abduction of myself, Captain Aloysia Yvette, Commander Torkav, Commander Nicholas Ristone, and Lieutenant Command Laura Macleod. We were restrained and held as prisoners in the Chin'toka's sickbay. I'm told several other Star Fleet crew were abducted, including Vice Admiral Grayson.
4th Fleet vessels pursued the Chin'toka, and were eventually successful in recapturing the ship. Unfortunately it seems as if many of our captors were subjected to a sort of suicide pill before any of them could be questioned.
Another group of the abductors fled in the Chin'toka's captain's yacht. Unfortunately, our remaining vessels were too damaged to complete a successful attempt at stopping the abductors. They still remain at large.
Lieutenant Jonathan Cooper, who was the officer of the watch at the time of the theft, took command of Yeager. After reviewing ship logs and post-action reports, I conclude that the Yeager's crew performed admirably in my absence.
Computer, end log.
Lieutenant Jonathan Cooper, Chief Science Officer
Star Date 21203.29
Acting Captain's Log - Star Date 21203.29, Lieutenant Jonathan Cooper recording.
This is my first, and probably the last, time I'll get to record one of these, so I thought I'd enjoy it while I could. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to begin, so I'll just start at the top.
A commissioning ceremony and reception was being held for and on the USS Chin'toka for the Fourth Fleet, our new home, when a drill was declared, scattering everyone to their ships in a panic. Since I had remained on the Yeager to do paperwork and field emergencies, I was the ranking officer and assumed command until Captain Nielson could arrive. She never did.
A malfunction kept our docking clamps engaged, preventing our launch, when the Chin'toka - which shouldn't have had a crew, mind - cut its way out and blew the base doors off. At this point, we were all informed that we'd been part of a drill, but the Chin'toka was not, and that it seemed the new ship was being hijacked. They managed to release us, and four ships set out in pursuit - the Yeager, Pegasus, Philadelphia, and James Madison.
At every turn, it seemed these hijackers were more prepared than we were. First, they created a series of sensor duplicates, trying to lure us off her tail. Lieutenant Gylanna rigged our engines to give us a burst of high warp, so that we could try and catch up to one of the readings and eliminate a possibility, but before we could use it, the hijackers used another trick: a sensor burst.
While we were blinded temporarily, they reversed course and fired on Pegasus and Philadelphia, inflicting heavy damage. James Madison, in the rear, managed to catch up and inflict some damage, but was fired upon and nearly incapacitated for her trouble.
Lieutenant [j.g] Cole figured out how to duplicate the sensor burst, but right as we used it, the Chin'toka separated into stardrive and saucer. Pegasus and Philadelphia managed to get boarding parties onto each section and retake them, but not before they launched the captain's yacht. We were preparing to pursue the yacht when the hijackers spaced Vice Admiral Grayson, who was evidently their prisoner.
As Pegasus stopped to pick up the Admiral and take him to starbase for emergency medical treatment, we stopped to render aid to the James Madison. We had detected severe radiation leaks and a possible warp core breach, but they managed to eject the core in time. I dispatched a shuttle with Lieutenant Dega and Mr. Cole to render aid and evacuate them while we pursued the yacht, but recieved... explicit... orders from Commodore Clarke to tow the Madison back to spacedock instead.
I'm preparing reports on our condition and performance at this stage of the pursuit, and on the James Madison's condition and our actions to assist before I brought the Yeager back around to them. Personally, I feel we could have caught the yacht and brought them to justice rather than trusting other ships further out to find and catch them, all without sacrificing any of the James Madison's crew. But I had voiced that opinion to the Commodore and he very explicitly told me no. So I obeyed his orders.
As a note for Captain Nielson, I wanted to reiterate the fine performance of the crew during this mission, most especially the engineering staff. Gylanna and Cole each showed poise and ingenuity under pressure, and the fact that their modifications didn't help us apprehend the fugitives is no reflection on how much they could have helped. Also, Midshipman Ohmsford did a fine job assisting as liaison to the Philadelphia and the flotilla commander; hopefully our next mission will let him put his training as a medical officer to use.
I'm glad the Pegasus found you safe and sound, Captain. We look forward to having you back.
End log.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Trevor Cole, Engineer
Star Date 21204.11
Personal Log, Star Date 21204.11, Trever Cole recording.
This last mission ended up being a challenge on a couple different levels. First off, I once again ‘stepped in it’, as the phase goes, by reporting to the bridge upon the emergency recall. Without knowing how much of the crew would make it back before we had to leave in pursuit of the Chin’toka and trying to fulfill my search and rescue duties as well as my engineering obligations, I decided to report directly to the bridge. Once again, I should have done a better job communicating that to my DH.
I haven’t quite figured out the Lieutenant quite yet. He is certainly one of the most capable and intelligent engineers I have ever worked with, but our ideas of how to perform our duties just never seem to meet. I blame my time back at the shipyards for this. It was a much more relaxed atmosphere and I had much more autonomy. On a starship, though, it’s just not that way. It can’t be. Smaller ships with smaller crews mean everyone has to be in sync. I’ll take my knocks and learn. Maybe before the next mission, I’ll have to sit down and get a better idea of how Lt. Gylanna wants things done.
As for the chase, Lt Gylanna and I managed to squeeze even more speed out of the Yeager. The changes that we made could only be sustained for a few days, could end up being very useful in the future. Side note, I have documented the changes we have made and took the liberty to send a copy of the report to the design team, including Zor Kayzon, back at the shipyards for their analysis for future upgrades to propulsion systems.
As we finally caught up, the Chin’toka hit us with a sensor disruption weapon. After analysis, I was able to replicate the burst using our deflector array. It was supposed to be timed to disrupt the sensors on the Chin’toka giving our fleet a window to hit her with all we had. It failed. We successfully fired the burst but the Chin’toka stopped at the same moment to separate sections in an attempt to escape. If I would’ve had more time, I know I could’ve anticipated such an event.
There was little time to dwell on it. I was ordered to the shuttlebay by acting CO Lt Cooper. Lt Dega and I were sent over to the James Madison to assist with repairs. Upon arrival, the ship was in horrible shape. She had be hit hard and often. There was little in the way of repairs that were gonna help. As it was the crew ejected the core just before we arrived. I ended up have to help with a rescue of two of their crew who had been trapped in engineering with no protection from the heavy amount of rad contamination.
We managed to get them to sickbay and secure the ship for tow by the Yeager back to Delta. It was definitely the most positive result I had on the mission. I hope things go better. With the invasion looming, I’m sure I’ll get a chance to try.
Computer, end log and save.
Midshipman Pheral Ohmsford, Medical Officer
Star Date 21112.30
Computer, Personal log. Star Date 20112.30. Midshipman Pheral Ohmsford recording.
Where do I begin? I still cannot wrap my head around the senseless loss of Sierra 18, not to mention Bajor, countless ships, who knows what else. If I were religious, I would say the gods of destruction were bored and wanted to play, or just wanted to make us suffer for no reason.
But there is always a reason for suffering. It may not be apparent now, if ever, but there is a reason. Not that I condone such violence, far from it, I am a doctor, and a self proclaimed scientist after all. I've lived for so long that I have learned to recognize that there is meaning in everything, though, somethings seem to simply defy that reasoning.
I have never put much...faith, for lack of a better term in luck. But every once in a while, I do indulge such nonsense. Everything in moderation my father always says. I was definitely lucky that I survived whatever had sought to destroy me and my colleagues. Of course what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Well, tell that to the to children that I had personally placed in my protective custody. Why I was spared and they weren't...well, I know the scientific explanation, or the Vulcan logic if you prefer, but there was no good reason for those children to die. A reason, perhaps, but not a good one.
I've never lost someone under my care. Not many can say that. It's almost enough to make me turn to religion, which would make my father happy. I'm not one to buy into such nonsense, though; I've been around a hundred years, visited a lot of planets, seen a lot of strange things, but I've never seen anything to make me believe that there's one all-powerful force controlling everything.
No one's controlling my destiny!
But, I'm getting ahead of myself. The U.S.S. Yeager, the ship that I was in the process of transferring to, just happened to be the ship that found me floating in space. Now odds I believe in, and the odds of that actually happening were, well, I'm not a mathematician, so I'll leave that up to the experts; let your imagination do the work.
It's a small ship, a really small ship. But as long as I am able to do my work and perform my job, it will suffice. I'm pretty sure it would take a half of a deck to fit Sierra's Sickbay in it. But I will do a little exploring later. I haven't checked in with the Captain yet, or security for that matter. They have me on the roster, so I may as well work.
I will be making my rounds soon on the ship anyway, so there will be plenty of time to multitask. As I said, it's a small ship with a small sickbay, so it shouldn't take too long. Besides, I cannot abandon my patients.
I've already had one Ensign with a concussion, and two officers, one enlisted, who had suffered from, well, oxygen deprivation. They're fine now, but they are confused as I was when they were also found floating in space in EVA suits. I was going to have them stay for a few hours to make sure there are no complications, but due to the circumstances, a nice walk around the ship might do us all some good.
Besides, I need to make my rounds anyway. There will always be stubborn people who refuse to come to Sickbay unless they are dying. I am sure there are at least a few on even this tiny ship.
Computer, end log and save.
Midshipman Mari Takahashi, Security Officer
Star Date 21201.11
Personal Log, Star Date 21201.11, Mari Takahashi recording.
It's one thing watching a drama or action holovid. Interacting on a holodeck as you race to save the day. But... here... it's something different. It's real out here, and no matter how much I tell myself it'll be ok, there's still that nagging feeling that it won't be. I don't know why... I guess it's just because deep down inside, I'd rather be at home, arguing with my agent over whether I want to get this role or that, which scripts are garbage and which might be decent enough.
I suppose this is what I get for coming all the way out here. Turning my back on the world I'd gotten used to for a shot at something... glamorous? No, not that. I don't know what it is. There's days I feel like resigning my commission, returning home and taking some stupid movie role that won't do anything but bring me a small paycheck. But then... what about the people of Sierra 18? The ones who died doing their jobs, who never had a chance to run away and hide?
War is hell, as the old cliche goes, but knowing we're at war with a species that can take out planets... that's scary. It makes me feel like there's nowhere safe to run to. So I guess, with nowhere I can run, I'll just have to dig in my heels and fight. Fight them all until I don't have anymore fight or there's no one left standing.
Anyway... I better get back to work. I just hope I'm not tempting fate by writing my personal thoughts down.
Computer, end log and save.
USS James Madison, ES-17877
Commander Torkav, Commanding Officer
Star Date 21204.11
Commanding Officer's Final Log, USS James Madison, Commander Torkav recording.
Begin log.
In the middle of the dedication ceremony for the USS Chin'toka, the ship was stolen! With me and a handful of others aboard, as captives.
Aboard were myself, Captains Nielson and Yvette (Chin'toka's new Commanding Officer), and Commander Ristone. Also Doctor Macleod and we later learned Vice Admiral Grayson.
The ship was stolen, taken on a short journey, and then surreptitiously abandoned by the hijackers as they took off in the yacht, dumping the Vice Admiral into the cold depths of space.
We were left in no condition to pursue, and were forced to return to base.
As a result of this and several other things, I have decided to take an indefinite leave of absence from Star Fleet and return to Vulcan.
I have left a recommendation with Star Fleet that the James Madison be assigned another suitable commanding officer, and with some regret, recommended that this not be Lieutenant Commander Mihar, as I believe that the loss of her home world has substantially diminished her command capability.
I am awaiting transport to Vulcan on the next vessel leaving for the Vulcan sector of the Sierra sector block.
End log.
Lieutenant Commander Mihar Kata, First Officer
Star Date 21204.03
First Officer's Log Star Date 21204.03 Lieutenant Commander Mihar recording:
Well, today didn't go how I imagined it would…
Instead of enjoying a nice, boring formal ceremony on the Chin'toka, we got to enjoy a station wide drill, which somehow led to the hijacking of the Chin'toka as well as the kidnapping of a number of high ranking officers, including the Madison's CO, Torkav.
After some trouble getting out of dock, the ship's capable of pursuing, the Madison, Yeager, Philly, and Pegasus, gave chase. As FO, I had command of the Madi and told our helmsman, Eli, to push the engines as much as she could to keep us in the chase.
Within moments of getting onto the Madison, there was a hiccup. Ensign Merawdr, one of the 'pirates' who we had taken on and who I had had a previous problem with, caused a problem, suggesting that I wasn't doing all that I could to get us out of dock and stop the Chin'toka. He even went as far as to say that I was in league with the hijackers… a ridiculous idea.
I won't even pretend that I handled the situation as best as I could, although I certainly tried. Frankly, I thought we had patched up our differences during the ceremony, but apparently, not… I'm not even going to try to understand what that was, really. I sent him to his barrack to stay, and apparently, Delta found that they'd made a personnel error and he wasn't even suppose to be on the ship. He was gone before the situation could be dealt with, and I hope he works better with his next FO, or he gets counseling…or both.
Then, Aereson came to the bridge to inform me of a modification made to the ship. They installed an untested stealth system, a cloak. It was a secret between Aereson and Torkav, and I guess I should be grateful that Aereson told me…it ended up save our necks.
The chase itself didn't go very well. They managed to fake three warp trails, which confused us endlessly. It didn't help that the lead ship, the Philly, wasn't exactly efficiently coordinating efforts. When we finally managed to choose a trail, the Chin'toka blacked out sensors and did a 180, bypassing everyone but the Madison and leaving our sensors intact.
At that point, I had already asked that the stealth systems be ready to be used. With the Chin'toka bearing down on us with all weapons online, I didn't have a choice but to activate it and hope that Eli could get us out of there. She almost managed it…we were clips by torpedoes. It caused a hull breach, an engine leak, and shield failure.
We kept up with the chase as best we could, but eventually, we were forced to eject the core. Our aft section of the ship was flooded with radiation, and a number of people trapped in the aft while trying to work in engineering.
Fortunately, the Yeager was close enough to assist us with engineers and a tow home, but because they had to help us, they were unable to chase the yacht that had escaped from the Chin'toka, carrying the hijackers and Vice Admiral Grayson, before they ejected him into space. The Pegasus rescued him and was unable to give chase because of needing to take him back to Delta.
Essentially, the hijackers got whatever the Hell it was they wanted and we couldn't even stop them…I'm not sure if they were just that good or that lucky…
I'm curious to find out what we know about them, but I suspect I won't be here to get the information personally. Prior to the Chin'toka ceremony, I received a very concerning message from home, and now, after a bit to think on it, I've requested a two month leave of absence to deal with family…
It's possible that I'll end up back on the Madison when it's over, I hope so even, but right now, my biggest concern lays elsewhere…
End log.
Lieutenant Adam Shelmer, Chief Tactical Officer
Star Date 21201.16
CTO Log, Star Date 21201.16
Lt Shelmer recording:
I was confined to my bunk with a serious head injury. I only came to realize how serious it was when I tried to stand to get some water.
I would like to commend Marine Dawson for showing up to provide some much needed support. Her concern for my well being was much appreciated. I have little memory of how she helped me get better, but once the CO announced the debriefing on Star Base Alpha, I was well enough to exit the ship and check in at the Star Base's Sickbay.
After being properly medicated, I proceed to the debriefing in the Drunken Tribble, a bar of some note at the base. At the debriefing I received a promotion and was given a medal.
Though some wine and other festivities ensued, I did make it to my duty station moments before the pre-launch check was to begin.
End log
Star Date 21202.15
CTO Log, Star Date 21202.15
Lt Shelmer recording:
This month begins with the Madison docking at Star Base Delta for refitting and shore leave.
Right off I headed for O'Malley's for a beer and some friendly company. I met Lt Brack, Asst TO of the Chin'toka, who pointed out his boss, Lt Commander Fiore. She was very intriquing. I later ran into her at a small Irish type pub on the Star Base Promenade. We had a little fun... but I'm getting ahead of myself.
A few of the gang swopped tales and had a few drinks and many left for the reception on the Chin'toka, but I was captivated by a red headed beauty across the bar and chose to stay and see what kind of mischief I could get into with that lovely lady.
Merawdr and I, having been left to fend for ourselves, noted that the lovely woman was approaching our table. Though, we tried to interest her in having one or both of us as escorts to the Chin'toka gathering, she sidestepped the invitation. Shortly though, we discovered why. Her fiancé, Vice Admiral Grayson, appeared and introduced us formally.
I was surprised, disappointed and on my best behavior from then on. The four of us had drinks and eventually dinner.
The reception on the Chin'toka was a blur. I was happy to get away. I ran into Crissy Fiore and she accepted my invitation to a little leave recreation, which was interrupted by the ALERT call to return to our ships.
Upon firing up the Tactical console, I identified two donut-motherships and several thousand shards holding position some 200,000 kilometers away. The small shard ships were taking up defensive patrol positions and others were lining up for an attack. However, the Madison as well as all other ships were still tethered to the Delta's Space Dock and could not respond.
We were eventually released only to discover that the motherships and shards were a drill and the real crisis was the Chin'toka being taken over and all aboard kidnapped. The confiscated ship unceremoniously exited space dock, leaving behind a trail of debris.
Eventually a flotilla was formed to go after the errant ship and its passengers. The Philadelphia took point and ordered the Madison to proceed to follow and maintain contact with the flotilla, relaying vital information.
The month ends with me finding out that if the Madison were to operate in stealth mode; my active sensors would have to be offline. It was suggested, however, that maintaining the stealth status while operating at high-warp, was a task best suited to someone very familiar with the finer points of operating sensor systems. This task was, in all humility, to fall to me. It would be a very busy operation and would require a dedicated member of the crew. It looks like no sleep for Add.
End log
Star Date 21203.18
CTO Log, Star Date 21203.18
Lt Shelmer recording:
For most of the month the Tactical Department was on leave, enjoying food, drink and women. Unceremoniously interrupted by a training exercise which evolved into a real kidnapping and grand theft ship stealing, the CTO returned to the Madison and took his station. Tracking the stolen ship and feeding coordinates for interception to the helm, as well as, keeping track of what was going on outside the ship when stealth mode closed down the Tac station, kept Shelmer busy.
The month ended with the ship leaking plasma, crew in jeopardy of death due to radiation exposure and no help from fellow flotilla ships as they have also been attacked by the stolen Chin'toka. Shelmer is busy trying to plot an escape route for the Madison as it appears a fellow flotilla ship, the Pegasus is trying to ram the errant Chin'toka causing a massive expulsion of energy with will likely vaporize everything in its immediate vicinity.
End log.
Star Date 21204.17
CTO Log, Star Date 21204.17
Lt Shelmer recording:
As the month opens, I am counting down to an imminent explosion caused by a fellow flotilla ship, Pegasus, heading toward with intent to ram the stolen Chin'toka.
I think I see activity on the Chin'toka's Captain's Yacht and suspects someone may be attempting an escape. As I was watching the Tactical screen closely, I saw the Chin'toka stop, split and shriek off in two different directions. The Pegasus had been moments from ramming her when the Chin'toka was just gone.
Acting CO, Mihar ordered, "As soon as you find the yacht on sensors, do not lose it." And off the Madison went in pursuit. However, she just wasn't up to the task. Aereson, the Madison's Chief Engineer reported that the coolant system could not be repaired before the core went critical. The Madison's core was ejected however engineering was flooded with radiation.
I was then ordered to leave the bridge and assist where ever possible. My first stop was to Sickbay where I assisted Aldren to rest in the Common Room. Then I was off to the Engine Room, donning an EV suit I helped evacuate the radiated Engineers to a shuttle provided by fellow flotilla ship Yeager.
With no significant events to report while being transported to Star Base Delta, I find myself joining Madison crew mates on the Delta Promenade. Glad that they have survived, along with the Madison’s Medical and Security Officers, we decide to proceed to O'Malleys for a celebratory drink where we run into the Madison's Engineer, Aereson.
End log.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Ro'Thon Aereson, Chief Engineer
Star Date 21204.11
Chief Engineer’s Log Star Date 21204.11 Lieutenant J.G. Ro’Thon Aereson Recording
The “pleasantries” of the promotion ceremony aboard the newly commissioned USS Chin’toka were interrupted by orders to report to our ships. Why humans waste their time on such things as “small talk” I’ll never know. I still have trouble with even after growing up among them. But I digress. We later learned that the drill-that-was-not-a-drill was not actually drill when someone attempted, successfully for a time atleast, to steal Star Fleet’s newest vessel.
Whoever they were, they were well organized and efficient. They override Delta’s docking controls, which prevented any pursuit ships from pursing until Delta could reset their computer system. Though it was scarcely 45 seconds, when moving at warp 9.6 it is no small distance. The Chin’toka had quite a lead on us by the time the Madison finally exited star dock. Several ships were involved in the pursuit; of them our tiny vessel was the slowest. Though it brings me some shame, there is only so much I can do to increase our speed given the Madison’s components. That being stated, the ship performed admirably, when pushed to limit.
The warp core operated 2% above its maximum design output, and though the SIF and inertial dampeners were red-lined, they held together. As every great engineer knew, it wasn’t what a system was designed to that mattered, but what it could do. My engineering staff deserves significant credit for it.
With Commander Torkov, not aboard, I made the choice to inform Lieutenant Commander Mihar about the installation of the device. The fact that it was untested and of Klingon design caused me to call its activation into question. Regardless, it worked, for a time… until the Chin’toka attacked us, doing significant damage. A complete report of the damaged systems is attached below. Those of us in the engine room had a rough ride, with Clairborne getting the worse of it. Fortunately, thanks to the skills of the Dr. Rehu, he is still with us.
After we regained our sense, an assessment revealed that we had lost our coolant plasma. If we didn’t repair the system or shut down the warp core, it would breach, killing everyone aboard. The second major concern was the damage to the fusion reactor which supplied power to the impulse engines. It was leaking radiation into the engine room and the aft section of the ship. We were forced to eject the warp core to save the ship. While trying to correct the problem, both Crewman Ta’co and I received near fatal doses of radiation. If not for the arrival of 2nd Lieutenant Mitchell and the engineering staff of the Yeager, I believe we both would have died. I’m grateful for their assistance.
The Madison is currently in stardock undergoing decontamination and repairs, which should be finished in the next several days.
End Log
Lieutenant Junior Grade Aldren, Security Officer
Star Date 21203.03
Star Date 21203.03
A brief entry I’m afraid.
Somebody has stolen the USS Chin’toka! One of the newest star ships to come from the Federation shipyards. The Madison is amongst others trying to give pursuit. I feel like I am kicking my heels on the bridge, this is all down to the tactical crew as they try and play catch up.
From what I have seen, both Shelmer and McKenzie are very talented, and I don’t think that I would like to be anyway else other than here with theses two guiding our ship. They are pushing the Madison to her very limits, the ship wasn’t built for this in mind. We have neither the firepower nor the speed to catch up with the Chin’toka, I’m hoping that somehow she can be slowed and maybe then we will have a chance of catching her.
It’s frustrating having to rely on others, and by others I mean the other pursuing ships. This incident is distracting us from the attack across the Federation by the unknown aliens. It is there in the back of my mind, but surely if we are to have a chance we cannot allow the Chin’toka to slip away? Star Fleet will need every available ship to fight the battles which I am sure are to come.
Why would anyone steal a starship?……at this time, when it looks as if we are all looking down the barrel of a gun? Unless they thought that such an audacious move could be completed because we are all spread so thin? Circles within circles………
End log.
Star Date 21204.09
Star Date 21204.09
The ship is in a bad way. We were chasing down the Chin’toka and fired upon, causing damage across the ship. I had been on the bridge and had heard that Engineering had seemed to take the brunt of the damage.
Feeling useless I had left the bridge to try and help….only something exploded in the corridor and I was injured. The last thing I remember was being blown back down the corridor and then seeing Dawson’s face…then blackness.
…..I don’t know how long I was unconscious, but I feel as if I have had some kind of epiphany. That is the only way I can describe it…..I realise how that sounds , and believe me I do not like being dramatic. I saw the face of the man who killed Rutha…..I saw him during my dreams and remembered that I have seen him since that day…..I saw him on Delta, just before we went to the awards ceremony and then chased after the Chin’toka…..
…..I don’t understand how I have only just remembered, the only thing I can think of is that I had been blocking it out….I’m sure some shrink would be able to explain it better than me….but the fact remains that I know who it was now.
His name is Horza Aldran. I am aware that he joined Star fleet years ago and then for some reason went AWOL. I can only guess now that the Angosian Government knew that it was him who had been responsible for attacking Rutha and myself. All this time I had thought it had been one of the super-soldiers, but no, it was a man who had shamed our nation by betraying Starfleet and going AWOL, not once but twice!
….he must have come back to Angosia and it was him that night we stopped and him who shot me. I know who he is now, and I will kill him…..
End log.